Cycling its own worst enemy

A doping apologist writing an article on the dailypeloton, who could imagine such a thing?

It is sites like the dailypeloton that are part of the problem. They have steadfastly held their heads in the sand. Anyone who mentions anything that could indirectly imply doping gets slapped down on their forum--even if it is done as light hearted banter.
Could cycling be one of the few sports that 'IS' actually doing something about doping?
JAPANic said:
Could cycling be one of the few sports that 'IS' actually doing something about doping?


Compared to American baseball, cycling is light years ahead of it.

People give **** about cycling/doping, but it is because our sport is sooo strict (and it should be). I gurantee if other sports had this strict of conduct, chaos would ensue there as well.

My biggest 'issue' is pre-race favorites were kicked out of the TdF because they were implicated. Why the hell is Barry Bonds still playing? He's implicated? GET HIM OUTTA HERE. I praise cycling for having the guts to kick out the big names.

I know it sucks that our sport is so dirty, but at least, we have strict penalties.
JAPANic said:
Could cycling be one of the few sports that 'IS' actually doing something about doping?
It is ironic that the more that is done, the more riders will get busted, and the worse the sport looks to outsiders. If the fight against doping were effective then the sport would eventually improve, but from a commercial point of view it seems like the sport is shooting itself in the foot about every month.
bobke said:
Great article about eating its own, spitting in the soup, and not really dealing with the problems of doping and the "War on doping"

Terrible article.

The top four names (minus LA, of course) from the 2005 TdF are tied to a massive doping bust days before the 2006 race and we're told that we aren't being fair to the cyclists? What a load bullsh#t. Reprimanding me for not apologizing to cyclists? ****. Know what I want? I want an apology from Tyler Hamilton. And from Ivan Basso. And Jan Ullrich. And when Lance finally gets conclusively nailed, one from him, too. The fans and the media aren't the problem. They aren't doping.

It's apologists like this who continue to make outrageous claims like doping is isolated in the sport. Nonsense. Doping is the norm at the top levels. That people continue to believe otherwise absolutely baffles me.
Bro Deal said:
...but from a commercial point of view it seems like the sport is shooting itself in the foot about every month.
More likely...shooting itself in the thigh muscles,daily.
pretty good editorial. reminds me of people who own H2's and speedboats and complain about gas being too expensive.