I magic training routines


New Member
Oct 23, 2003
I have just bought an i magic trainer with forteous software is there anywhere i can download training routines. I have tried the Tacx website.
Powerful Pete said:
fmarques25, I take that if I purchase an I-Fortius or I-Magic I can download these routes without purchasing the RLV videos?

Sorry, trying to understand? :confused:
yeah that's right if you have a i magic or fortius you can download these routes (they are diferent routes on the same 4 cenarios) there is a league and stuff it's pretty cool and get's you through winter training (if you don't have f**** up knee like me)
Thanks, I think I will take the plunge. I will let you know how things go - if I only could find the dang thing at a reasonable price - the best so far is on bike components.de for 599 Euro, with VAT, which I guess is not so bad (the best price I have found in Italy is just over 700 Euro) :eek: .