Belief Systems and Health


Dr. Laura De Gi

Can one's mind-set affect one's immunity to disease? Lenard explores (in popular style) the roles of
mental attitude, visualization techniques, and placebos in fighting and preventing cancer and other
ailments. Placebos are nothing new. Most doctors admit they sometimes work for some people. Why,
they don't know. Placebo action seems closely allied to a person's mental attitude. Many doctors
will also allow that a positive attitude helps a lot in fighting illness and that depression
aggravates it.

Visualization techniques, though, are hotly debated. Will cancer cells be destroyed, or at least
stop growing, if the patient visualized them as weak things that are vulnerable to the body's killer
cells? Proponents of visualization recom-mend that a cancer patient visualize his killer cells as
protecting knights in armor that swoop down and skewer the enemy cancer cells. In a visualization
session, one focuses one's mind on such images and, in essence, wills his body to fight back. There
is some evidence that visualization helps.

(Lenard, Lane; "Visions That Vanquish Cancer," Science Digest, 89:59, March 1981.)

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