Spotted a uni in Nottingham



Riding home today on the Vespa, I saw a young chap with a 20
inch fairly basic-looking unicycle. Unable to stop in heavy
traffic, I took a turn around the block and met him at a
junction further up the road.

20 inch bog-standard unicycle with a steel rim, and riding
from Carlton over to Sherwood - quite a ride, and, with the
hills, not one I'd expect to manage without a few stops.

So, I drew his attention to, recommended this
forum and tried to encourage him. He did suggest he was
looking for a 26 or similar.

So, if you are that person and you want to see/try a 24, 26,
28 or Coker (or even buy a 24?) contact me at

(@ not at, but I'm trying to avoid being harvested and sold
a stake in a former Nigerian prince's private fortune.)

Mike Wilkinson

Mikefule - Roland Hope School of Unicycling

Some days you're the fly; some days you're the windscreen. When you're
the fly, you get to eat sh*t.
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