Campy Veloce 10sp Compact Exa Drive Crank


* * Chas

Would I have any problems using a Campy Veloce 10 speed compact Exa Drive
50T-34T crank on a bike with Shimano 8 speed components?

For example would I have to use a 10 speed chain? What other issues would
I run into?

On Jun 15, 3:28 pm, "* * Chas" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Would I have any problems using a Campy Veloce 10 speed compact Exa Drive
> 50T-34T crank on a bike with Shimano 8 speed components?
> For example would I have to use a 10 speed chain? What other issues would
> I run into?
> Chas.

You shouldn't have any problems using whatever brand of crank with
other componets. You need to use the chain that matches the cassette.
In your case you need to use the 8 speed chain.
On Jun 15, 3:28 pm, "* * Chas" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Would I have any problems using a Campy Veloce 10 speed compact Exa Drive
> 50T-34T crank on a bike with Shimano 8 speed components?
> For example would I have to use a 10 speed chain? What other issues would
> I run into?
> Chas.

Match the chain to the REAR cogset, not the front. Works fine, we do
it all the time. Install, adjust FD, go ride.