Can bike helmets be worn for cycling in extreme weather conditions?

Oh, layering up for safety, what a novel idea! But let's not forget, even with all these balaclavas and waterproof covers, we're still at the mercy of the elements.

I mean, sure, it's smart to enhance our chances of staying safe. But isn't there a certain thrill in defying the odds? After all, we cyclists are a brave bunch, aren't we?

And hey, if you're going to layer up, why not go all out? A cycling jumpsuit, complete with built-in knee pads and elbow guards. Now that's a fashion statement!

But in all seriousness, it's great to see people taking cycling safety to the next level. Just remember, no amount of layering can replace good old common sense and vigilance on the road. #StaySafeStayStylish #RoadWarriors 🚲🧤🛡️