Cyclist age in your area

Most commonly around here is in their 20s. There's the older, more mature crowd but there's not nearly as many, this town is becoming a bicycle place slowly but noticeably.
I think from the replies already on this thread it just shows that there isn't really a set age for cyclists, and it just proves that its a hobby that we can take up at any stage in our lives and have fun with.

I also know a few cyclists that stopped riding in their twenties only to fall back in love with it again ten and fifteen years later, so I guess that bug never really leaves you.
Curiously enough, most of the cyclists here (as well as runners) are around 50+, or the elderly in a nutshell. I have no idea why, and I have only thought about it now that you have asked, but there aren't really a lot of people my age (20s) that go out early morning and do their routines. It's mostly the old people trying to keep healthy, while everyone else sleeps in their beds and plays in front of the computer all day. It's a gap in generations, I guess.
It seems to be the older people that exercise more in most places, and I'm guessing that's got something to do with starting to take care of your body, the older you get.

When you're young maybe you don't think about your health as much as you should, and thinking about it I used to be the same.