Did any of you ever race against/with Durnford?

As in did he ever "turn a pedal in anger?"

If not, We think we found our new spokesmodel for the Poseur jersey.

(I know the link is like a week old, but hey)

Christopher Durnford is probably having a real bad day.
Photo: NYpost.com
Poor Christopher Durnford. You know that the York Prep Academy
principal was just trying to impress his father-in-law and boss when
he embellished his cycling experience, claiming that he had been
captain of a Canadian cycling team and telling tales of the day he
competed in the Barcelona Olympics. "The road was rough that day, my
friends, " he'd probably said. "I was on the verge of inching past
Germany's Stefan Steinweg, leading my team to the gold medal when
suddenly, a kitten appeared in the road. I swerved to avoid it, and
alas, the race was lost. But at least I met Mittens…" How would they
ever know? he must have thought. It's not like Americans ever pay
attention to what Canadians are up to, in sports or anywhere else. But
then the lie snowballed. His father-in-law, York headmaster Ronald
Stewart, was so pleased his son-in-law was something other than a
regular milquetoast that he added details of the competition to
Durnford's bio on the school's Website, and the story gained traction,
even though Durnford tried his best to play it down. "He's a pretty
self-effacing guy," according to one parent. And then this week, it
all went bad. Someone — who? Probably some enterprising ninth-grader
with well-honed Internet research skills and an ax to grind — found
him out. He called the Post, the Post called the Canadian cycling
team, and it was all over. Durnford's weak protestations only
solidified his guilt: "I do talk about trying to make the Olympic
team," he told the paper. "I took a couple years off college to try to
get there, but I never made it to competing for Canada." The lesson,
kids? If you're going to tell lies to make yourself more impressive,
at least make sure they're un-Googleable.
I never raced against this guy, but I worked two buildings over from
York Prep in NYC for years.
[email protected] wrote:
> As in did he ever "turn a pedal in anger?"
> If not, We think we found our new spokesmodel for the Poseur jersey.
> from:
> http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2008/06/prep_school_principal_gets_cau.html
> (I know the link is like a week old, but hey)
> Christopher Durnford is probably having a real bad day.
> Photo: NYpost.com
> Poor Christopher Durnford. You know that the York Prep Academy
> principal was just trying to impress his father-in-law and boss when
> he embellished his cycling experience, claiming that he had been
> captain of a Canadian cycling team and telling tales of the day he
> competed in the Barcelona Olympics. "The road was rough that day, my
> friends, " he'd probably said. "I was on the verge of inching past
> Germany's Stefan Steinweg, leading my team to the gold medal when
> suddenly, a kitten appeared in the road. I swerved to avoid it, and
> alas, the race was lost. But at least I met Mittens�" How would they
> ever know? he must have thought. It's not like Americans ever pay
> attention to what Canadians are up to, in sports or anywhere else. But
> then the lie snowballed. His father-in-law, York headmaster Ronald
> Stewart, was so pleased his son-in-law was something other than a
> regular milquetoast that he added details of the competition to
> Durnford's bio on the school's Website, and the story gained traction,
> even though Durnford tried his best to play it down. "He's a pretty
> self-effacing guy," according to one parent. And then this week, it
> all went bad. Someone � who? Probably some enterprising ninth-grader
> with well-honed Internet research skills and an ax to grind � found
> him out. He called the Post, the Post called the Canadian cycling
> team, and it was all over. Durnford's weak protestations only
> solidified his guilt: "I do talk about trying to make the Olympic
> team," he told the paper. "I took a couple years off college to try to
> get there, but I never made it to competing for Canada." The lesson,
> kids? If you're going to tell lies to make yourself more impressive,
> at least make sure they're un-Googleable.

Hey, thanks for posting the link and the complete article, but you
left out translations into French, Spanish and Norwegian (shout out to
Joe!) for our English-impaired brethren. I think Italians also ride
bikes, so toss one in there for them as well. As it's an Olympic
year, and there are 1.5 billion of those Chinese fookers, don't leave
them out. If you also post a .WAV file for the visually impaired that
would show you truly cared and wanted to cover all the angles.