Dutch develop faster doping test


Aug 12, 2001
I wonder if there will be many fallen stars once this type of test is the norm?

Dutch develop faster doping test

Researchers at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen have developed a faster method for detecting drugs in blood and urine samples, paving the way for faster doping controls in sport. The test, developed by Mischa Van Hout can detect drugs in samples within five minutes, compared to the current time frame of between 45 minutes and an hour, and its accuracy is claimed to be at the parts per billion level.

So far the method has been tested on the growth hormone clenbuterol and the corticosteroid prednisone. Van Hout believes that it will be a valuable tool in the fight against doping, as well having obvious benefits in other areas of medicine. It would be particularly useful for research in detecting new drugs in blood and urine samples, as the fast turnaround means that many more samples can be tested.
With drug testing done so fast, it could be interesting to watch the prize giving ceremonies. If there's a delay, expect trouble.