First serious road ride with experienced riders


Apr 27, 2011
I've done several "group rides" in the beginner's group of a club sponsored by a LBS. Yesterday I stepped up to riding with their regular riding group. I was a bit intimidated when about 30 riders showed up and I was the only one with a flat bar and flat pedals on a home-built hybrid. Everyone was in spandex and cycling jerseys so I stood out a bit in denim shorts and an athletic T-shirt. Even though everyone was friendly and supportive, I still felt out of place.

It was about a 30-mile round trip out of the city, cross country to a neighboring small town and back and the wind was picking up as we left. Going through town wasn't bad as the pack broke into a more aggressive group up front and about a dozen less experienced riders in back with one of the ride leaders hanging back with us. Even among the less experienced group, I was the obvious newb.

I did pretty well through town but as we hit the open flats into a hurricane force (OK . . . 10-12 mph) headwind I began to struggle to keep up. I had the aerodynamics of a concrete block and an extra 10 lbs of bike to boot. Eventually, I fell off the back. The group took mercy on me and stopped for a "water break". We headed into the wind again and I kept up fairly well, thanks to another rider who set a slightly slower pace (14-15 mph) and made sure I didn't fall off the back again. Shortly before the turn around point, we came across the aggressive group stopped by the side of the road due to a multi-rider crash. Luckily, nobody was badly injured so the ride continued.

After the turn around, the wind died down a bit and was now at our backs. I found my second wind and had a much easier time keeping up with the group, riding 20-22 mph much of the time. I was able to chat with several riders and began to really enjoy the ride. I finished the ride in the middle of the less aggressive group, which for me was a huge accomplishment. I had a beer with the other riders and got some nice comments and encouragement.

Forgive the rantings of a newbie, but considering that just a few months ago I started out huffing and puffing through a 5-mile trip around town, I'm rather happy about how the summer is turning out. This ride added a lot to my motivation to lose my last 30 pounds (I'm 50 down already) over the winter and look for a road bike in the spring.
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Congratulations, I suffered through several group rides when I started out. It gets easier, and more fun. Your fitness will increase and you will hone your group ride survival tactics.

Everybody likes a Clyde that can keep (or push in some cases) the pace, since we generally ride at a smooth constant speed and have ample draft.
Thanks for posting that story, I have just begun riding again after 20+years and i was quite intimidated by just trying to buy a new road bike. I have been training by myself for the last couple of months and I am still a bit worried about trying a group ride. I weighed around 230 wehn I began riding again and now i am down to about 210. I am shooting for about 195-200lbs. I go around 6'2" so I dont have a ton of weight to drop, but I would like to see the abs again! LOL!

Anyway, thanks again for the story, it helped encourage me to seek out a nice group ride ans see how it goes. Keep riding, its the best way I ahve found to keep active withour punishing your body.

Originally Posted by maydog .

Everybody likes a Clyde that can keep (or push in some cases) the pace, since we generally ride at a smooth constant speed and have ample draft.
Good lord, yes. Riding with my friends, I hear them chuckle when I start pulling - "it's like riding behind a wall"
I live in Seattle, which has a velodrome near by. Some years ago, the veleodrome hosted masters nationals. I was at the track on the day the 200 meter TT for the sprints were being run. At the time I was 230lbs., yet many of the racers there made me look small. Hang out with track sprinters, you will never feel large again.