Free Give Group is active in UK and Europe - Have you tried it?


New Member
Sep 25, 2009
0 is a way of connecting with people online, to find and/or give away stuff. Any kind of stuff. Books, clothing, cooking equipment, furniture and just about anything else you can think of. Chances are, there is someone out there who wants or needs what you are trying to get rid of.

And it's all free. These websites aren't for posting items for sale. Just items to be given away for free. How cool is that?

If you still have stuff you are trying to get rid of, have you tried freegive ( ) It is very good.

Freegive group is active in UK, Europe and other 99 countries across the world, please click here to find a group near you

Please can you pass the word around to your friends, family, co-workers, classmates; Make an announcement at your professional or social organization, church members, workmates and help freegive grow bigger and stronger.