Getting into road biking with girlfriend

Slums Mackenzie

New Member
May 30, 2012
Hi everyone this is my first post so bear with me. My gf and I are planning on gettig into road cycling. We live in an area where there will be a lot of hills but we can also take it to nice flat spots. At our lbs our eyes were caught by the felt z85 and zw95. My question is what does everyone think of these 2 bikes and what do they think about to beginners riding together with them. I noticed different shifting will that cause a lot of separation we will be trying to stay together when we ride. Also, if you have any other suggestions for bikes let me know. The other lbs has cannot sale which I like too. My knowledge is very low so any tips will help the frogs feel comfortable just wondering what you thought. If you need to m ow we are both low 20s fairly athletic and getting back into high school esque shape. We also are staying in 800-1200 max price range. Thanks!
One last concern I forgot is the difference in the shifting the z85 comes with the 105 and hers is tiagra? Not really sure what this all means but she likes the look and feel just don't want her regretting it.
Felt makes good bikes. And both of those are sweet bikes IMO. The shifting mechanism may be different but the bikes come with almost an identical gear range. What this essentially means is that while you may be doing very slightly different things with your fingers, your legs should have no problem finding a gear that gets you both up the hill. Your respective conditioning/strength will determine who gets to the top first - but a gentleman always waits for a lady. And believe me you absolutely want to get her the bike she likes the look of (as long as it fits and is setup right).

Both these bikes have relatively comfortable geometry, meaning you could have them setup so you are not drastically leaned over and would be fine for beginners to ride all day. And if you fell in love with riding each of these bikes could easily be raced if the inclination ever arose.
Originally Posted by Slums Mackenzie .

One last concern I forgot is the difference in the shifting the z85 comes with the 105 and hers is tiagra? Not really sure what this all means but she likes the look and feel just don't want her regretting it.
This is just the level of components. 105 is slightly higher along the price/quality range ergo the slightly higher bike price. Either of those component groups would do most anyone just fine.