Going out now, because I don't feel like it.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Too late, too cold, too tired, long day. So, this is when I think I need to push myself. Once I get into the zone, I feel a lot better and am glad I did it. The bonus, stopping for sushi around midnight. I can almost taste the eel now. Going for 30.
You the man!!!! I've been there before with cycling and types of training. Sometimes motivation don't come until after you get into it.

But I've never had sushi and don't want to.
Sushi is great. Only wrinkle in my night, I left my wallet on the counter, by the time I realized they were closed up. Had to call my CC companies and bank and freeze the cards just to be on the safe side. But, it was waiting for me when they opened, they been made me read off my address to verify identity - I didn't have a beard back when the photo was taken.