happy thanksgiving!

ptlwp said:
Taxation without representation!!!

Boston Tea Party!!!

Paul Revere - Lexington and Concord - shot heard round the world!!!!


One if by land, two if by sea!!!!

Hessians, Indians!!!

We learn it all in public school; tommyrot, some of it.

Taverns are hotbeds of sedition, you know............

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

In Virgina, the Jamestown Colony Starved to Death....

When an Indian went north, he took pity on the starving refugee Protestants (pilgrims?) and showed them how to plant maize and squash, and saved the Mass. bay Colony from starvation.
Well, don't get Thanxgiving mixed up with Indypendance Day, those Pilgrims were British.
MountainPro said:
nice accent there, i was totally convinced for a while (0.000000127 nanoseconds)

this whole thanksgiving polava sounds like an excuse to get banjaxed, eat like a pig and sleep it off in the neighbours dumpster.

you wouldnt find anything like that in scotland...especially not around the 31st Dec.

ps, its snowing like crazy here Huskey....3 feet outside and -12....i wish Zapper was here, i'll show him a thing or two about bad weather.

Zap is probably off for the weekend ,but I am sure he could top your weather story.
It is actually not bad here 44 today and 54 Saturday on the F scale and then in the 60's Sunday and Monday with rain,but that will change.
One meter of snow,damn! That's a lot ,you best start shopping for "butt plugs" for any Giraffes in the area.
I did well yesterday because my weight is actually down today and as far as this drinking stuff...well I mean it is ok to have a Bloody Mary to get you going in the morning and a little bracer around ten-insh and of course a few drinks with lunch to make the food digest and a small cocktail or three around two to round out the afternoon and of course it is then cocktail hour and time to drink.
It is these individuals that think they must drink all day long that **** me off.
jhuskey said:
It is these individuals that think they must drink all day long that **** me off.
thank god i only stick to scotch and mad dog instead of the hard stuff.
Geoff2010 said:
It is on a different date each year because it always falls on the last Thursday in November.

No idea what the three day weekend bill is... but Thanksgiving always gives us a four day weekend... we get Thursday and Friday off :)
Not necessarily the last but always the fourth Thursday in November, which is followed by "Black Friday" - the biggest shopping day of the year here in the U.S. - so-named because it's the day when most if not all retailers operate "in the black" instead of "in the red" - useless trivia....