He did it, He did it, Ride-A-Lot rode rocks!!!



Hey Ridey, I did see it, I did see it, GOOD BOY, GOOD BOY!!!


But, everyone, Ridey, made us wait through that long, boring,
non-challenging non-difficult trail riding video, til the end, where he
did, amazingly, ride over a difficult rock garden - probably for the
first time, and due to my ripping on him, some of his New Jersey
associates named Newbon, convinced him to embark on challenging himself
and increasing his skill set. It's at the very end, and it should have
been strategically placed in the middle in relation to all that other
boring nature tour.

What Ride-A-Lot should know, is that due to his weight, he has an
advantage over guys like me, when attempting rock gardens & even jumps.
When I was on Mathew Winters last Sunday, which is rated black-diamond
due to its ruthless narrow rock garden ONLY terrain, a guy just as big
if not bigger than Ridey STORMED by me. This guy rode the entire trail
which is all rock garden, like it was sidewalk, he only stopped once,
where the rocks were also walls, and he could not fit through the gap
which the trail went, so he had to get off his bike and slither through
the gap, other than that, the rock garden on Mathew Winters which is on
switchbacks which are 30 degree turns and all rocks, this guy rode over
them like they were nothing. I don't know if you know how difficult it
is to turn on a switchback but also a switchback which is very large
and obtrusive rocks, this guy that Chos sent to impress me, impressed
me. He looked like he was a football player (retired), and he was over
weight, but big arms & upper body, and this weight added to his ease in
riding over these ruthless rock sections on Mathew Winters, where I
also fell but did not get injured.


Sieg Heil!!!

Also, the big guy on Mathew Winters was not slowing down for anything,
I was scared by this guy and his fearlessness of no braking down these
rocks, which were 3 feet by 3 feet, and all incongruent, obtrusive,
non-complimentary, this guy rode right over them. I rode over them, and
almost lost it a couple of times, at half this guys speed. Hardtails
are much harder to work with, and they maximize your skills & talents
of riding.

Anyways, RIDEY, I'm very very proud of you my Newbon puppet gweem,
mustard seed eater, hoola-hoop-lover.
"LIBERATOR" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hey Ridey, I did see it, I did see it, GOOD BOY, GOOD BOY!!!
> http://www.schnauzers.ws/rv1.wmv
> But, everyone, Ridey, made us wait through that long, boring,
> non-challenging non-difficult trail riding video, til the end, where he
> did, amazingly, ride over a difficult rock garden - probably for the
> first time, and due to my ripping on him, some of his New Jersey
> associates named Newbon, convinced him to embark on challenging himself
> and increasing his skill set. It's at the very end, and it should have
> been strategically placed in the middle in relation to all that other
> boring nature tour.

OK, Wienersnitzel now where's the video of one of your rides?