Hoping to help!


New Member
Oct 14, 2010
After 20 yrs of cycling, and no significant improvement in mph, my new Doc, also a cyclist and runner ordered a pulmunary function test, and voila! My lung capacity/function is perfect for someone 5'6".
I'm 5'9". Seems my diaphramatic hernia resulted in the underdeveloped lungs and it is more common than I thought! Too bad I had to wait all these years to discover the problem!
So if you're doing everything right but not making progress, look into a possible medical reason!
Oh man, that sucks. I used to have trouble with lung capacity when I was younger and I had a hernia as well. Hm, maybe I should have that checked out, although my hernia wasn't diaphragmatic, but I still feel like there may be something.
I think a lot of people won't think there's a medical problem and will continue to try different methods in order to improve.

The main reason for that I guess is that we don't want to know if there's something wrong or not. We'd rather just bury our head in the sand and only get our health checked when we really have to.
Thank you for the information. It certainly is something to be noted and remembered, and eventually checked. Rarely people turn to the doctors primarily due to their irresponsibility. I am not saying you were irresponsible, but people are. In my city, most of the people go to the doctor's once they get all the symptoms, and the disease is already progressing, or have progressed. My parents, however, have a complete check twice a year. I wish everyone would be like that.
Hey there! That's quite the discovery, and I'm glad your doc was able to shed some light on your situation. It's amazing how medical issues can sometimes hold us back without us even realizing it. Thanks for sharing your experience and reminding us all to consider medical factors if we're not seeing the progress we'd like. Here's to better cycling and lung health for you! Keep riding and inspiring us all!