How many bikes stolen


New Member
Nov 9, 2006
Hey guys, How many of you had your bikes stolen? And what kind of bicycle locks do you use(which you feel is safe and Good).

I've had my bicycles stolen 3 times..and am considering if i should still get a new bike.

from what i've been reading, a combination of a gold-rated lock with a chain lock to secure all parts of the bike and an immovable object.
there were links to two major schools of though on how to lock the bike, but the link escapes me right now.
You probably didn't use a good U lock or maybe you used the flawed Kryptonites? How did you get 3 bikes stolen? I lock up my $3700 bikes and they never got stolen in Chicago.
um, since i've been born. i've had 3 of my bikes stolen. My BMX ($30 + $2.99 spraypaint), my first Mt. Bike ($400) and my second Mt. Bike ($500). and that's within 16years i've been alive. about a bike every five years. lol
hopefully my roadbike doesn't get stolen
I had 2 bikes stolen as a teenager and it pretty made me paranoid regarding bike theft... nowadays (I'm 32) I never let my bike leave my sight! I live in an urbanized rural area, with everything fairly spread out... I only ride for pleasure/fitness so I never have it out for errands where I would need to lock it up. If I do happen into a store for a drink or some refuel-food on a long ride I usually bring it in with me; and/or if I am riding with a group or partner one of us stays with the bikes at all times.
i've never had a bike stolen, however, i've had two kids try to 'mug' us for my bike and my friends. fortunately somebody came and helped us.

my brother's bike was stolen right from our garage. i went outside to go to school and saw our garage door opened. it was the only thing missing
chrisleow said:
Hey guys, How many of you had your bikes stolen? And what kind of bicycle locks do you use(which you feel is safe and Good).

I've had my bicycles stolen 3 times..and am considering if i should still get a new bike.

take a look at this..

I have this lock and have never had it stolen so far. I went to my bike one day to find some of the black vinyl coating missing through! Looks like someone wanted to give it a go but just couldnt get anywhere after the plastic lol.

Dont take my word on it through - doesn't make it robber proof
chrisleow said:
Hey guys, How many of you had your bikes stolen? And what kind of bicycle locks do you use(which you feel is safe and Good).

I've had my bicycles stolen 3 times..and am considering if i should still get a new bike.

To lock up my bikes I prefers to use a light weight but strong kryptonite lock and a pair of master lock street cuffs. I live right out of NYC and I have never had my bike stolen.
penguinboy said:
To lock up my bikes I prefers to use a light weight but strong kryptonite lock and a pair of master lock street cuffs. I live right out of NYC and I have never had my bike stolen.
I saw something that threw me for a loop last week... I took the family into NYC to see the Christmas show. My daughter noticed the stronger locks people have for their bikes in the city. We continued to walk around (as my youngest son was every bit the tourist and just loved the tall buildings). Then I saw a delivery person set his bike against a post and run into the apt. building to make his delivery WITHOUT :eek: locking his bike. And I would say the entrance to the building was a good 15 yards from where he parked his bike. I think that sight amazed (as I stared in shock) me more than the buildings did for my son.

I always lock mine up... and I live in an area far less crowded.
I usually keep my bike locked with two U-Locks, seems to work fine. My brother's bike was almost stolen from my house... but then the theif realized it didn't have padals and ditched it (lucky i borrowed them the day before:D ) All locks are just to discourage theft though, i work at a bike shop and we get people in all the time with locks on their bikes and they lost the key. I take a grinder to it and its done in a minute, even a 1 inch steel cable lock was done in 2 min. If they want it bad enough, they'll get it.
the first 2 were normal bikes..with probably lousy chains. The 3rd one i lost was a racer parked to a tree beside a main road! left it overnight and it got stolen. It had 2 cable locks-1 to the tree and 1 for the wheels to the frame.
That made me really paranoid and i just bought a cheap bike to use..feel safer with it haha.
Well, I use ABUS locks for motorcycles:
Granit Extreme Plus 59 (lock-chain combo)
and Granit Extreme 59

But the highest security available is provided by Almax, I guess.
i've had one mountain bike stolen an the best bit is it happend ten minutes after i picked it up from getting repaired by my dealer with new crank and wheels.:mad: and better still some t**t sprayed it black changed the seat and tried selling it to my neighbour 4doors away! :eek:
ding said:
i've had one mountain bike stolen an the best bit is it happend ten minutes after i picked it up from getting repaired by my dealer with new crank and wheels.:mad: and better still some t**t sprayed it black changed the seat and tried selling it to my neighbour 4doors away! :eek:
No bikes stolen, no locks broken. With all that crime, Yanks have it tough; with crime like it is 'round here, plus the fact that in my position, I'm basically expected to have my P7 on me at all times, I'm really not too afraid of my bike getting wollied.
1.05 Bikes =

1.00 = Raleigh Arena back in Auckland in 1980 - From the back of my flat, *******!!! I thought theives would have better taste than that.
0.05 = Seat & seatpost off my MB in Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo) in 1987, while I was on a never-ending ride around the Archipeligo. It brought the never-ending ride to an end. I spent 1 day walking around the little town looking for my kidnapped seat, and then gave up. The bike (1983 Malvern Star) is still over there, as far as I know, as is a long-tail boat that I bought, plus a few spare propellors.
I went off for a week down the river to catch a ship to Tawau to get a new visa (and search for a replacement seat / seatpost), and ended up in Thailand and married!?! See what happens when someone steals your MB seat? Now I've got 2 kids and 2 mortgages, all because of a bloody quick-release seatpost. I didn't see that one coming...
Had my Raleigh 10-speed "English racer" stolen in 1980; case-hardened steel chain cut like butter while it was parked in front of my college's main building, with the usual 50-100 students milling about on the front steps no doubt watching with glee.

Had my Pugeot (sp?) mountain bike stolen in 1995; top-of-the-line (at the time) Kryptonite U-lock was missing along with the bike, so I have no idea how the scumbags disabled it. Taken from right in front of the hotel where I worked.

I now do not own a bike lock. I simply do not leave my bike anywhere where it can possibly get stolen. My riding style has changed dramatically in recent years: I no longer ride to school, don't use the bike to run errands, and I only commute to work (where I store the bike in my office, right behind my desk) a day or two a week to keep up my weekly mileage. In short, I've gone from being a utility cyclist to being a "roadie", and along with the upgraded bling-bling road bike I got a complete lack of confidence in the efficacy of any bike lock. So I don't use one.
Hey Bob Ross if you live in NYC NY I heard that that city is real bad for bike theft. I would love to visit NYC Manhatten and bike downtown but I worry they will strip or steal my commuter bike even if it's just an OCR 1 with panniers.

I lock up my $3800 racing road bikes in Chicago with no problems of theft or stripping. Even if the bike has Dura Ace parts.
JTE83 said:
Hey Bob Ross if you live in NYC NY I heard that that city is real bad for bike theft. I would love to visit NYC Manhatten and bike downtown but I worry they will strip or steal my commuter bike even if it's just an OCR 1 with panniers.

I lock up my $3800 racing road bikes in Chicago with no problems of theft or stripping. Even if the bike has Dura Ace parts.

"even if it's just an OCR 1 with panniers" ??? Dude, they will ****** that in a heartbeat. I've seen $90 WalMart bikes jacked, or stripped of parts, around here. It's sick.

I guess I'm surprised a DuraAce-equipped bike will go unscathed in a big city like Chicago...but then I have to remember that when I ride 20 miles north of here, to Nyack or Piermont, cyclists -- and not just a few, I'm talking about THOUSANDS of them over the course of any given weekend -- will leave all manner of seriously expensive road bikes & TT bikes outside. Unlocked. Just sitting there. It's called a Cycling-Friendly Community. I guess NYC didn't get the memo.
Bob Ross said:
"even if it's just an OCR 1 with panniers" ??? Dude, they will ****** that in a heartbeat. I've seen $90 WalMart bikes jacked, or stripped of parts, around here. It's sick.

I guess I'm surprised a DuraAce-equipped bike will go unscathed in a big city like Chicago...but then I have to remember that when I ride 20 miles north of here, to Nyack or Piermont, cyclists -- and not just a few, I'm talking about THOUSANDS of them over the course of any given weekend -- will leave all manner of seriously expensive road bikes & TT bikes outside. Unlocked. Just sitting there. It's called a Cycling-Friendly Community. I guess NYC didn't get the memo.
The problem that I see most common in my town, a college town where the "american" football team is fairly decent, people will be drunk and disorderly and smash in the rims of the bikes that just happen to be chained to a bike rack, so that they are completely bent out of shape. It makes me sad to see it, really! it's so stupid and ignorant. I'm not sure but I think there maybe, a link in how many drunken football idiots in a small town and random acts of stupidity as well as the link between high population and crime rates. I've lived in a fairly big city for most of my life and i came to the town that i live in now because there was only one gun related death in the past ten years, and i thought that correlated to a low crime rate. but since i've moved here i've had my car broken into, seen 3 three hundred dollar wheelsets completley bent out of shape, excluding the 16 or so wheels on WalMart customes. Stuff like that can't even be protected by a lock! it's a real shame!