Insults from a fat cyclist

Mr. Beanz

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2015
OK, I am going to say that I am also a heavy cyclist. I don't pretend to be skinny, I don't buy light components for my bikes pretending that losing 50 grams on my saddle is going to make me 2 mph faster.

But I am not a whiney feel sorry for myself pitiful cyclist. I'm 6'1 260 right now and at 230, friends say I look almost too skinny. The guy I am speaking of is a big guy, 330 pounds and has said in his own words, I am too fat for my tires, riders pass me like I am standing still, and at times I have a hard time keeping 2 mph on a hill. Something of that sort.

I'm a heavy guy but I will not feel pity for myself. I will say that I have been challenged by others on CLIMBING rides by racers because of my size (forum trash talk) and on some timed events, I beat them climbing 10,000 ft and another 12,000 ft. I believe I am big but strong. Give me a few months to train and I won't lie down in a challenge. But some of us big guys can be strong riders. I don't sit here and feel sorry for myself like the guy in question.

So this guy has an inferiority complex imo. Does not know me but maybe from the ride reports in did you ride today type threads, maybe he has me pegged wrong as a much smaller rider. Having posted rides with 4,000 ft climbs in 13 miles and maybe the 18.2 average speed over 46 miles.

Not that those are racer speeds and rides, but I think this guy has some kind of inferiority complex vs lycra type racer boys, which I am not.

So more than once, he will insult me saying something negative about my style. Not the first time I met a fat cyclist that seems to try denounce those of us who ride a LITTLE faster. You know the type, you guys ride too fast and miss all the fun, you guys think because you are fast you rule the cycling world, You guys think you own the road, your type should blah blah blah!

I've seen many riders who lack the ability insulting others, the lycra clad racer boy wussy types.

So first off, yes I am heavy but I'm not a wuss. I think this guy has me pegged wrong as he says he wears a 3X jersey feeling sorry himself. NEWS FLASH, I wear a 4XL jersey and I'm not feeling sorry for myself.

So this guy takes it upon himself to insult me a few times not really knowing who or what I am, I guess. So finally I get tired of his **** and say," so you're a 330 pound rider, too fat for his tires, have a hard time holding 2 MPH at times, all according to your own description of yourself, and you are trying to tell me how to ride my bike?".

Oh he did not like that at all and said I was fat shaming him.

OK, so yes, I insulted him and meant to using his own words. But imo, this works in 2 directions. Those who have a complex about roadies and takes every advantage to insult them when given a chance, and those who fat shame fat riders.

So I fat shamed the guy I guess. But doesn't it work both ways? Does one not get tired of a fat guy shaming cyclists with more ability?

There are the big fat guys like me who are going to go out there and climb 12,000 ft on a ride to prove to himself that he can. Then there are the big fat guys who are going to sit on their recliners drinking beer feeling sorry for themselves.

I don't think the insecure guy should insult the confident guy without expecting to get insulted back. If you're a softy, you should not mess with the rough guys because you should know what's coming! ;)

I see it this way. You're standing in line at registration for a ride event and some dude flicks your ear. Then he does it a second, a third time. Do you smile and say thank you or do you make it clear to him that if he does it again, he will not have legs to ride in the event? :D
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"Wannabees" are always the biggest jerks. People who can ride well generally don't care about what others do, but may offer advice to help someone improve their riding or safety. Ignore this clown and ride with other people; he's just trying to drag you down to his level.
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"Wannabees" are always the biggest jerks. People who can ride well generally don't care about what others do, but may offer advice to help someone improve their riding or safety. Ignore this clown and ride with other people; he's just trying to drag you down to his level.

Exactly! I guess it's a case of them not understanding that they do exactly what they accuse others of doing. But in a reverse fashion they can't see. Yeah, I help 10 people with their riding then there is always that one that is a jerk. Part of life I guess so I continue to enjoy my cycling. :cool: