Photos from Tour of California - Stage 7


James Disney

Hey guys,

I run a website called and happen to be a bit of a fan
of cycling. As I'm sure we all know, the Amgen Tour of California
ended last week and I went down to the final stage in Long Beach, CA.
As it was last year, it was a very popular race to watch and had HUGE
crowds out in Downtown Long Beach to see the final bit of racing for
this year's edition. I took my camera and thought I'd share the
photos I'd taken. Hope you enjoy it!

On Mar 7, 4:10 pm, "James Disney" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I run a website called and happen to be a bit of a fan
> of cycling. As I'm sure we all know, the Amgen Tour of California
> ended last week and I went down to the final stage in Long Beach, CA.
> As it was last year, it was a very popular race to watch and had HUGE
> crowds out in Downtown Long Beach to see the final bit of racing for
> this year's edition. I took my camera and thought I'd share the
> photos I'd taken. Hope you enjoy it!
> -JD

Thanks for the link. Very nice pictures. Huge cycling fan.


On Mar 8, 5:09 am, Bleet Norf <[email protected]> wrote:
> Nice pix. It really sux to come in second . . .

HA! It didn't realize the angle until I got home and was sorting
through the photos. Thanks to the proximity during the podium
presentations I basically was holding the camera over my head hoping
for a good shot (thank god they did turn out great). But that one
shot really turned out funny! Poor Jens! It took a few minutes
between Levi and Jens trying to get the damn basket over the cork off
the bottle... finally Shawn Hunter (of AEG I think) came out and was
able to get it off the bottle and Levi was finally able to have some

Thanks for the nice comments, glad you enjoyed the photos!!