PS3 vs. Wii vs. XBox 360

rod60 said:
For your FYI, here is what I found:

Sony Playstation 3 Console – has an average expert rating of 80 (based on 8 expert sources)

Nintendo Wii Console – has an average expert rating of 85 (based on 18 expert sources)

Microsoft Xbox 360 Premium System – has an average expert rating of 85 (based on 7 expert sources)

Based on the above, it is clear that Wii has caught up with the best while PS3 lags further behind.
Goodness knows actually analysing the hardware and features of these units is totally meaningless...

Fun fact O' the Day:

All three consoles use variants of the POWER/PowerPC architecture - though, in fairness, comparing the triple-core PowerPC processor in the XB360 to the Cell in the PS3 is like comparing a team of trained ponies to a herd of rabid war-hamsters.
Cycler6n said:
xbox 360, hands down

I must say that I'd be inclined to agree. The Xbox 360 saved a lot of money by simply using a stripped-down server processor (very similar to that in the PowerMac G5), which makes it both fast and very easy to program. While the Wii is in some ways even easier, this is only because because it's a lot easier to efficiently use the Wii's one processor than the XB360's three in tandem - each one of which, individually, is at least twice as powerful as that in the Wii!

The PS3 has a true beast of a processor, with six seperate "minor" processor cores and one "major" dual-threaded core availible to game programmers, with one more minor core reserved for the operating system. However, the PS3 is (according to the guy at Raven Software I talked to) much more difficult to program for, partially because it's much easier to efficiently use three processors than it is to use seven.

In addition, the PlayStation 3's cost is jacked up by what is little more a marketing gimmick for Sony's Blu-Ray format. While the Blu-Ray disc makes the PS3 a great home-theater accessory, almost no games today even make use of the over nine gigabytes on an ordinary dual-layer DVD.

And don't get me started on internet functionality.
PS3, but only if they make a gran turismo 5. Won't be buying one anytime soon if they don't.
Julian G. said:
PS3, but only if they make a gran turismo 5. Won't be buying one anytime soon if they don't.
Currently, the only game I play on the Xbox is Forza 1. It's a really great racing game, if slightly different from Gran Turismo - and, for what it's worth, the online play is hard to beat.

Also, it's kind of fun to mess with the car upgrades. While they have cars seperated into categories by their end stats (a class-D car, like a Honda Civic, will become a class-C car after you add a turbo), it allows for some serious hoonage.

If you'll excuse me, I'm off to do some laps in my turbocharged Lotus Elise.
im an XBOX 360. their fall lineup of games like Assassins Creed and Call of Duty 4 is going to be great. i think Sony PS3 is probably going to be great in like a year or whenever MGS 4 comes out. personally i just want to play guitar hero 3 already. lol.
All that really matters is what you yourself prefer. I currently own an Xbox 360, but I am hoping to be rid of video games entirely by the time that I go off to college, which is in two years. I am thinking of selling all of my video games and equipment in order to raise money towards buying a proper road bike and equipment, as I currently only own a hybrid globe vienna 2. :(
My Xbox 360 Vs. Ps3 Vs. Wii Review

However, I understand your viewpoint from the technical perspective but it all depends on how you look at it from both the technical and gaming perspective. Both are very close between the 360 and the PS3. I also believe that the PS3 has a slight advantage on the 360 according to the technical race. Also, even though I am a owner of a wii, I am open to say that it's technical capabilities are not even comparable to the 360 and PS3, but nevertheless when it comes to playing it with younger siblings it is a great console.