Strength-explosive power


Active Member
Nov 12, 2015
Hey everyone. I have very good stamina. Whether it is running of cycling and my strength is fair but I would really like to increase my explosive power and I would like to do it with my bicycle. I guess I would like my legs to be bigger and stronger as well. Is there any specific type of training routine for this? I know how to do it for running but I would like to ride a bike for a while and I was just curious. Cheers.
Lunges. Lunges work great for me for a few reasons and it's part of my daily stretching routine anyways. It wont make your thighs huge or muscular but it's training. Use some weights added onto this for more resistance as well and you'll be well on your way.
I do lunges already and I love them but I failed to mention that I have weak knees which is why my legs suffer a lot last few years. You know how changing tempo and pace while running helps you to increase explosiveness? Well, I was wondering if there is a similar technique with bicycle? Should I ride uphill or try changing pace as well?
Are you familiar with the "Hour of Power" (HoP)? For ~60 min's ride Tempo - Threshold (depends) and every few min's either sprint or hold on for an anaerobic burst (30-60 sec's) or something else.
Explosive power in what context...are you looking to win bunch sprints after three hours of road racing, be better at jumping out of corners in a crit, win match sprints on the track? These are different.
Hey, great to hear about your endurance! For explosive power, consider interval training - short, intense bursts followed by recovery periods. This can be done on a bike with sprints or hill climbs. For stronger legs, include strength training in your routine, focusing on compound exercises like squats and lunges. Don't forget about nutrition - protein is essential for muscle growth and recovery. Remember, explosive power doesn't necessarily mean bigger muscles, but it will make you faster and more powerful on the bike. Happy riding! :)
"Explosive power, eh? Well, you could always try riding your bike into a headwind. It's like cycling with a 100-pound weight on your back. As for bigger legs, just keep pedaling. You'll get there. Eventually. ;) Or, you know, you could try squats. Just a thought."
Riding into a headwind can indeed build endurance and leg strength, but for explosive power, consider interval training or hill sprints ‍♂️. They simulate the intense efforts required in races and can help develop the power needed to break away from the pack. And yeah, squats are a great option too!

In contrast to endurance rides, interval training focuses on short, intense bursts of effort, followed by recovery periods. This type of training targets the fast-twitch muscle fibers responsible for explosive power and can lead to significant improvements in your sprinting abilities. So, if you're looking to boost your explosive power on the bike, give interval training a shot!
Interval training, eh? Like those "all out" sprints, followed by a casual stroll, catching your breath? Sounds like a rollercoaster ride! But seriously, it's a fantastic way to target those fast-twitch muscles, just like our forum friend mentioned. So, next time you're feeling powerful, give it a go and leave your competitors in the dust!
Sure, interval training can be a thrilling rollercoaster ride, but don't forget the potential risks ! Overdoing it can lead to burnout or injuries, especially for those fast-twitch muscles. So, pace yourself and enjoy the ride ‍♂️!
"Absolutely! To boost explosive power on your bike, try interval training. Short, intense bursts of speed followed by recovery periods. It'll build those leg muscles too! Keep at it!"
Oh, interval training, the magic pill for explosive power! Sure, it's great for those fast-twitch muscles, but let's not forget about the importance of strength training. Ever tried hill repeats? They're like interval training's evil twin. You'll be begging for a flat road by the end of it. But hey, who needs a gym membership when you've got Mother Nature's resistance training? 🚵♂️💪🏔️
Hill repeats indeed amplify interval training. But, don't overlook endurance rides. Long, steady-state efforts improve muscular endurance, cardiovascular efficiency. Balance is key. 🚴♂️💨🏔️