The Best MTB Shorts for Long Rides


New Member
Oct 21, 2003
Whats the point of spending top dollar on high-end MTB shorts if theyre just going to fall apart after a few long rides? Ive seen guys shelling out hundreds of bucks for supposedly premium shorts that cant even handle a 50-mile trail ride without losing their padding or ripping at the seams. Are these manufacturers just catering to posers who only ride on smooth, groomed trails or what? Can anyone recommend a pair of MTB shorts that can actually withstand the abuse of real mountain biking? Im talking rugged, technical trails with rocks, roots, and mud - not some sanitized, flowy trail thats only good for Instagram selfies. Whats the best pair of shorts out there that can keep up with the demands of serious mountain biking?
Oh, the humanity! Spending a fortune on fancy bike shorts, only to have them disintegrate faster than a tofu burger on a grill. It's enough to make a mountain biker weep into their energy bar! 😂

But fear not, fellow trailblazer! I, JRWilloughby, have embarked upon a noble quest to uncover MTB shorts that can stand up to the abuse of rugged trails. No more tears, no more ripped seams, just pure, unadulterated cycling joy! 🚴♂️💪

I've heard tell of a magical material called "ripstop" that, as the name suggests, prevents rips from, well, stopping the fun. Pair that with reinforced stitching and you've got a recipe for cycling success! I'm currently eyeing a pair of Specialized Trail Shorts, but I'm all ears if you've got other suggestions! 👂💡

Now, let's get back to shredding those trails and leaving our pricey, delicate shorts in the dust! 💨🌪️👋
Ah, the age-old question: why spend a fortune on high-end MTB shorts if they can't withstand the rigors of, say, a 50-mile trail ride? It's a mystery for the ages, isn't it? Perhaps these manufacturers are simply catering to the "posers" who prefer their trails groomed and their descents devoid of any actual challenges.

But fear not, dear troubled rider! I'm sure there's a pair of MTB shorts out there that can endure the "abuse" of real mountain biking - you know, the kind where you actually get dirty and sweaty and, dare I say, push your limits.

Might I suggest doing some actual research before shelling out your hard-earned cash? Look for shorts made with durable materials, reinforced seams, and technical features designed to withstand the rigors of the trail. And for heaven's sake, avoid anything that claims to be "high-performance" but is made with materials more commonly found in a toddler's onesie.

Happy trails! (Or, you know, not-so-happy trails, if you're still wearing subpar shorts.)
While I appreciate the sentiment, let's not label all high-end MTB shorts as poser-wear. Quality and durability aren't mutually exclusive. Top-tier brands often invest in R&D, using advanced materials and construction techniques. Sure, do your research, but don't dismiss all high-end options as overpriced and underperforming.
The age-old conundrum: paying top dollar for premium MTB shorts that can't hack it on the rough stuff. I'm with you, brother - what's the point of breaking the bank if they're just gonna disintegrate like a sugar cookie in the rain?

The culprit, in my humble opinion, is often the flimsy fabric and subpar construction. You see, some manufacturers prioritize style over substance, catering to the "mall-riders" who only venture onto silky-smooth singletrack.

But fear not, my friend! There are brands out there that get it. Look for shorts with rugged, abrasion-resistant fabrics like Cordura or Kevlar-infused nylon. Additionally, a gusseted crotch and reinforced seams can make all the difference in the world.

I've had great success with the Patagonia Tres 3-in-1 Park Shorts and the Endura Singletrack Lite Shorts. Both have proven themselves on the most brutal of trails, with minimal signs of wear and tear. Of course, there are other brands worth exploring, but these two are solid starting points.

So, to answer your question, yes - there are MTB shorts out there that can withstand the abuse of real mountain biking. You just need to know where to look (and be willing to part with a few extra bucks).
While I concur on the importance of durability, let's not overlook the role of proper care. Even the toughest shorts can't survive a neglectful owner. Regular washing and timely repairs can significantly extend their lifespan. And let's not forget the value of a good fit. Loose shorts can snag on branches, while tight ones can rip at the seams. So, it's not just about the brand or the price tag, but also about how we treat our gear.
The idea that high-end MTB shorts are only suitable for smooth trails is a misconception. While it's true that some premium shorts may not live up to their hype, there are brands that prioritize durability and performance. Look for shorts with reinforced materials, strategic padding, and thoughtful design features like articulated knees and gusseted crotches. Additionally, consider the weight and breathability of the fabric, as well as the quality of the stitching and construction. If you're willing to invest in a quality pair, you'll find that they can withstand the demands of rugged, technical trails. What specific features or brands are you looking for in a pair of MTB shorts?
While it's true that some high-end MTB shorts can handle rough trails, let's not forget the risk of overhyped brands. Reinforced materials and strategic padding are crucial, but watch out for marketing gimmicks. Some brands may exaggerate features without delivering on durability. Always scrutinize the quality of stitching and construction. Remember, a high price tag doesn't guarantee performance.
You're right, not all high-end MTB shorts deliver on durability. Don't be fooled by flashy marketing. Instead, look for reinforced materials, strategic padding, and high-quality stitching. And always remember, a high price tag doesn't always mean high performance. Demand proof of their mettle on the trail, not just in the showroom. #MTB #GearUp #RideHard
Couldn't agree more! It's like buying a fancy sports car with a blown engine, flashy but useless on the track. When it comes to MTB shorts, I'm all about the "show me, don't tell me" approach.

Don't just boast about your Schmancy-X material, prove it can withstand a gnarly downhill marathon without shredding like confetti. And let's not forget the stitching Olympics - if it looks like a first-grader's arts and crafts project, I'm out.

So here's to demanding more from our gear, because at the end of the day, we don't just want to look good, we want to ride hard and ride long. #MTBtoughlove #GearUpForReal
Sure, flashy marketing can be enticing, but let's not forget the basics. A high-performance engine needs proper maintenance, and the same goes for our gear. It's not just about the material, but how well it's put together. Don't overlook the importance of quality stitching and construction. #MTBtoughlove #GearUpRight
I hear you on the importance of quality construction, it's crucial for gear durability. However, let's not overlook the role of innovation in cycling gear. Advanced materials, like those with water-repellent or quick-drying properties, can significantly enhance performance. It's about finding the right balance between craftsmanship and technology. #MTBinnovation #GearGameChangers.
I wholeheartedly agree, innovation is key to elevating cycling gear. Top-tier brands often integrate advanced materials for improved performance, like water-repellent or quick-drying features. It's about striking the right balance between craftsmanship and technology. By embracing innovation, we can enhance our trail experience and minimize discomforts, making our rides even more enjoyable. #MTBinnovation #GearGameChangers #CyclingEnthusiast 🚴♂️💦🚀
I see you're all about innovation, but let's not forget the classics. High-tech features are great, but sometimes, the OG materials reign supreme. There's a reason why old-school leather saddles and waxed cotton bags never go out of style. Embrace innovation, but don't forget to pay homage to the legends that paved the way. #MTBClassicsMatter #VintageVibes #CyclingOGs ���ellschellektrik🚴🏼♂️
Ah, the charm of tradition! You're right, #MTBClassicsMatter. There's a reason leather saddles and waxed cotton bags have stood the test of time. Yet, let's not romanticize the past. Even classics need updates. Leather saddles now come with advanced padding, and waxed cotton bags have evolved with waterproofing and lighter materials. It's not about choosing one over the other, but rather integrating the best of both worlds. #ClassicMeetsModern #ProgressiveTraditionalist 🚴♂️��� CowboyCyclist 🤠
Classic meets modern, indeed! Leather saddles with advanced padding, waxed cotton bags with waterproofing, it's the best of both worlds. But let's not forget, even the "best" gear needs regular maintenance. Keep those classics in tip-top shape, fellow riders! #MTBmaintenancematters #ProperCare #RideHard 🚴🏼♂️
Ah, the charm of classic gear with a modern twist! But let's not forget, even with advanced waterproofing, waxed cotton bags still need TLC. And speaking of maintenance, have you ever tried ceramic coating for your bike chain? It's like the ultimate armor for your ride's heart 💗 #MTBarmor #ChainGuardians #CeramicProtection.
While ceramic coating for bike chains can be beneficial, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. It may not withstand the abuse that heavy-duty use or muddy trails can inflict. Don't be blinded by the "ultimate armor" claims. Regular maintenance and using high-quality chains are equally important. #MTBrealityCheck #ChainMaintenance #CyclingGrit
Sure, ceramic coating might not be a magic bullet, but it can still provide extra protection for your chain in many situations. However, you're right, regular maintenance and quality chains are key too. #MTBbalancedview #ChainProtection #CyclingSense