Tufo tubular tires and gluing tape/cement


New Member
Dec 11, 2003
I've read some reviews on glueing Tufo tubular tires using either Tufo tape, Velox Jantex or glueing with different brands of tubular cement.

Just curious on any feedback based on those types of glues or tape. For reference, I'm using the Tufo tubs on Mavic Carbones(2004)..the ones with aluminum rims/carbon fairings.

More specifically, I would like to use the Velox Jantex glueing tape due to the price..they seem to be cheaper than the Tufo glueing tape, but not sure how well they hold up.
Have put on some Continental Competition tubs using the TUFO extreme tape on my Reynolds MV 32 T rims, all up took about 5 minutes from unrolling the tape to pumping up the tire. The tire is easier to seat, as you position it before removing the protective tape and creating the strong bond. Much easier to use than glue and is less messy.