U.S. Presidential poll #'s approach nadir.

desert_RAT said:
Get educated before you run around spouting off about stuff you know nothing about.:eek:
Errr...you might want to make inquiries b4 you make inane posts, like the aforementioned. I am a Gov't & Int'l Rel. major at GMU (the one that seems 2 b doing so well in basketball although it doesn't interest me. I'm there for academics & to meet girls errr...young ladies :rolleyes: ) & I'm on the "honor roll" not to mention, a veteran of the cold war so, that makes me a little "older & wiser" than the avg. student. As an aside, you would be considered "poor" by the current administration. **** wouldn't bother going "farm-raised", quail hunting w/ the "unwashed" (poor) such as yourself. You should really consider switching parties if there's any country left after Dubya's done pilfering/undermining it :mad: :rolleyes:
Wurm said:
Right after your mother admitted to driving the getaway car.
You should have known better...... She was an instructor at the Ted Kennedy Driving School in Mass. back in the 60's.....
desert_RAT said:
Were is your proof of this?

Don't you think if this is happening it would be the biggest story around. How stupid and blind you must be.

Feel sorry for what? If his poll #'s are bad. What? He may not get re-eleceted???????:eek:

Smarten up. You are the one that needs sympathy. You must be dirt poor the way you go on. Tell us your mailing address and we'll put together a little somthing for you:):cool::):cool:
You are truly a "sheep" eating up Herr Rove's press releases that are intended to fool the opposition. You must not be attending thier meetings, otherwise you would know that you are getting your paltry tax return at the expense of the top 3%. The lions share of tax rebates under the "dear-leaders" tax policy goes to the richest of the rich. Boy are the right-wing lucky to have you :rolleyes: You do make > $1mill/year correct :confused: If not, you are a sheep :D
desert_RAT said:
Your nothing more than a partisan dem who is filled with hate. You obviously have nothing (by looking at the bikes you own) worth ****. You envy all with $$ or with the drive to make it.
No. I am an American patriot (veteran) who doesn't like the direction this president is taking the country. I am not alone in this view. Notice the topic of this thread. Incidentally, a bikes worth is not necessarily equated to it's retail cost although one of my bikes cost a considerable amount. You sir, are relatively new to the forum & have been a bomb-thrower from the outset. That aside, it only the internet dude. Lighten up :rolleyes:
at the same time i take issue with the support for democratic party elected official voting record, for what it is worth, i am 100% incapable of even conjuring the thought that would prcede voting for a republican.

this has nothing to do with my level of patriotism, anymore than would the party affiliation of any democrat be in conflict with being a true patriot.

in fact, it is quite in opposition of true patriotism as i see it to believe that the BCS agenda is beneficial in any way to the health of this country, and it's global involvement.

that being said, i do believe even (most, with the exception of those corrupted beyond the ability to reason) staunch repub-neo cons and their supporters do at some level want what is best for the us and the world, they just lack enough connection with the idealism that is required to make this a philosphical reality.

and what can we say about how sad a day it is when one has to define their self worth only by demeaning others, and by comparing their outward trappings.

and when it comes to my riding, i'm no monk, my bikes are nice, if not outright pretentious...but we still gotta have the inner desire to ride the things, the relative flash of anyone's ride only goes so far.

davidmc said:
No. I am an American patriot (veteran) who doesn't like the direction this president is taking the country. I am not alone in this view. Notice the topic of this thread. Incidentally, a bikes worth is not necessarily equated to it's retail cost although one of my bikes cost a considerable amount. You sir, are relatively new to the forum & have been a bomb-thrower from the outset. That aside, it only the internet dude. Lighten up :rolleyes:
great going then! let them sign their kids up to support the "war efforts" and participate in fighting terrorism over there so we don't need to here, no wait, spreading democracy at the same time!

no such luck, the recruiters are not prowling the private schools of those with the means to avoid the onslaught of recruiters and their tactics of lies in the public schools...

oh well, back to the poverty draft it is, there still must be some unemployed wage earners of middle american families who voted buschco, these are the mothers whose kids need a job, so the military of bush adventurism has a supply of fresh recruits yet...

wolfix said:
Bush got 48% of the woman vote. Economics, perception of family values, and education are issues that captured the attention of women voters.

wake me up when this movie is done....seems like it has been on for weeks now...

desert_RAT said:
Were would we be without recruiters? Are you saying we should have none?

I have known plenty of high school kids who couldn't wait to sign up.


If not for our military you would be sitting in Japan or Germany right now.

davidmc said:
Welcome back Wurm !!!
Hey, WASSUP! david? :) (...and Hypno, lyotard, Lim, et al)

Between computer problems and bike upgrades, I've been missing in action 'round heah. But I did get a set of lovely new Campy Boras during the downtime. :D

'Tis good to be back to annoy the Right-Wing Sheep with the unpleasant truth of their mutated & misbegotten political hackery.

desert_RAT said:
Were would we be without recruiters? Are you saying we should have none?

I have known plenty of high school kids who couldn't wait to sign up.

Did you sign up for selective service when you turned 18.(assuming your male)I did.

It's easy to sit there in the comfort of your home and put down our military. Why don't you take the same amount of energy, once in awhile, and thank them.

If not for our military you would be sitting in Japan or Germany right now.

Don't forget THIS: if not for many other militaries such as UK, France, Russia, China, Canada, Australia, etc., and various underground groups, ******'s and the Emperor's regimes might have won. WWII was NOT only the U.S. vs the Axis.

Duh. :rolleyes:

"...take the same amount of energy and thank them"...for what? ****ing up about as completely as humanly possible? Torturing innocents? KILLING innocents?? Causing untold grief and suffering? Wasting our national budget?

What kind of lockstepping idjit are you, DR?? A fascist one?
Wurm said:
Hey, WASSUP! david? :) (...and Hypno, lyotard, Lim, et al)

Between computer problems and bike upgrades, I've been missing in action 'round heah. But I did get a set of lovely new Campy Boras during the downtime. :D

'Tis good to be back to annoy the Right-Wing Sheep with the unpleasant truth of their mutated & misbegotten political hackery.


Welkommen! Good to have ya back.
Wurm said:
'Tis good to be back to annoy the Right-Wing Sheep with the unpleasant truth of their mutated & misbegotten political hackery.

You give yourself too much credit Wurm. You don't annoy us. What annoys us Republicans is when we lose an important election. It has not happened much in the past few years, but there have been a few moments.
You do not annoy Republicans Wurm , you amuse them. Most Republicans are too busy with life itself to be bothered by a "internet poster." Reading your posts are interesting things to do while taking a break, but annoying they are not.

Annoying is legislation that creates havoc for people that are trying to create jobs for the working American.

Annoying is paying out tax money going to programs that do not work.
{And I also will say paying for Bush's war in Iraq}

Annoying is watching both sides of the political war not sticking up for the working man, the man who really pays the bills in America.

Annoying is the size of our government.... And the Republicans have been acting like liberals lately.

Those things are annoying. Wurm , you are not important enough to be annoying.
boras? oh man, what a commoner am i on my protons!

Wurm said:
Hey, WASSUP! david? :) (...and Hypno, lyotard, Lim, et al)

Between computer problems and bike upgrades, I've been missing in action 'round heah. But I did get a set of lovely new Campy Boras during the downtime. :D

'Tis good to be back to annoy the Right-Wing Sheep with the unpleasant truth of their mutated & misbegotten political hackery.

desert_RAT said:
Your national budget? Your socialist country gives heroine to addicts. Is this not a waste.

I didn't know that America was a socialist country!
many who have served recognize the current us war involvment must be opposed

as do many true conservatives (not to be confused w/ the bastardization that is characterized by the neocon variety)

desert_RAT said:
Were would we be without recruiters? Are you saying we should have none?

I have known plenty of high school kids who couldn't wait to sign up.

Did you sign up for selective service when you turned 18.(assuming your male)I did.

It's easy to sit there in the comfort of your home and put down our military. Why don't you take the same amount of energy, once in awhile, and thank them.

If not for our military you would be sitting in Japan or Germany right now.

desert_RAT said:
I agree with your 1st point.

As for your second point.....Yes you are right. Geez those poor terrorist we tortured. How sad how they were stripped naked and photographed. How horrible to have a dog bark at a them.

Your national budget? Your socialist country gives heroine to addicts. Is this not a waste.

As for your last slurr.... I'm not sure how to read that. perhaps you were adjusting your wig while typing. :D LMAO @ U:D:D
You need to get a better source for your news, Mr. Rommel. According to many reports international, many torture victims have nothing to do with "turrrrurrism"; but even the most heinous of Nazi's were accorded basic human rights.

Your BushCo boys are war criminals - plain and simple - and if you support them you are just as guilty.
No, unfortunately I'm just as American as you and I also live here, but that's where any similarities between us end.

I won't waste my time further with you, besides, you'll be late for your daily indoctrination session over at Faux News.