Velonews: Cx Gallery: 2015 Pan-am Championships In Cincinnati


Jan 3, 2005
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</div><div class="marquee marquee-388557"><ul class="slider" id="post-slider-secondary"><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Ellen Noble claimed the women's Pan American U23 title. &quot;All of the technical features were so rad, and it was good to finally have a muddy, technical race in the U.S.,&quot; she said. &quot;Crossing the line in first felt so amazing, and I am so thankful for all the support from JAM to help me win today.&quot; Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Noble wins
</h2><div><p>Ellen Noble claimed the women's Pan American U23 title. "All of the technical features were so rad, and it was good to finally have a muddy, technical race in the U.S.," she said. "Crossing the line in first felt so amazing, and I am so thankful for all the support from JAM to help me win today." Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Spencer Petrov's fearless descents on the &quot;Pan Am Plunge&quot; only added to his commanding lead. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Petrov descends
</h2><div><p>Spencer Petrov's fearless descents on the "Pan Am Plunge" only added to his commanding lead. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Petrov won the Pan American junior men 17-18 title. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Petrov wins
</h2><div><p>Petrov won the Pan American junior men 17-18 title. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="The aptly-name &quot;Pan Am Plunge&quot; claimed more than one rider. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Perilous plunge
</h2><div><p>The aptly-name "Pan Am Plunge" claimed more than one rider. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Curtis White tried to defend his Pan Am U23 title at Devou Park. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: White
</h2><div><p>Curtis White tried to defend his Pan Am U23 title at Devou Park. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="White was unable to hold off Andrew Dillman's relentless attack. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: DIllman attacks
</h2><div><p>White was unable to hold off Andrew Dillman's relentless attack. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Dillman claimed the men's Pan Am U23 men's crown. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Dillman wins
</h2><div><p>Dillman claimed the men's Pan Am U23 men's crown. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Courtney McFadden's first lap lead quickly vanished under pressure from Katie Compton and Kaitlin Antonneau. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: McFadden
</h2><div><p>Courtney McFadden's first lap lead quickly vanished under pressure from Katie Compton and Kaitlin Antonneau. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Compton showed her skill on the plunge. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Compton descends
</h2><div><p>Compton showed her skill on the plunge. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Compon's crushing lead made her impossible to catch. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Compton leads
</h2><div><p>Compon's crushing lead made her impossible to catch. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Antonneau drove to a second place finish in the Pan Am elite women's division. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Antonneau
</h2><div><p>Antonneau drove to a second place finish in the Pan Am elite women's division. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Rachel Lloyd placed third for the Pan Am elite women. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Lloyd
</h2><div><p>Rachel Lloyd placed third for the Pan Am elite women. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Compton won again at Devou Park. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Compton wins
</h2><div><p>Compton won again at Devou Park. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Jeremy Powers leds the UCI elite men down the &quot;Pan Am Plunge.&quot; Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Powers holeshot
</h2><div><p>Jeremy Powers leds the UCI elite men down the "Pan Am Plunge." Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Powers and Stephen Hyde traded the lead repeatedly during the race. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Powers, Hyde
</h2><div><p>Powers and Stephen Hyde traded the lead repeatedly during the race. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Anticipation was high to see who would wear the first-ever elite men's Pan Am jersey. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Men's leaders
</h2><div><p>Anticipation was high to see who would wear the first-ever elite men's Pan Am jersey. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Jamie Driscoll clawed his way up to third to eventually edge out Hyde for second place. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Driscoll
</h2><div><p>Jamie Driscoll clawed his way up to third to eventually edge out Hyde for second place. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Powers took the win while Driscoll and Hyde sprinted it out for second place. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Powers wins
</h2><div><p>Powers took the win while Driscoll and Hyde sprinted it out for second place. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="2015 Pan American elite men's Podium: Driscoll, Powers, Hyde (L-R). Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Men's podium
</h2><div><p>2015 Pan American elite men's Podium: Driscoll, Powers, Hyde (L-R). Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><div class="viewLargerImage"><a class="fancybox" rel="gallery" href=""title="Powers donned the Pan Am champion's jersey. Photo: Kent Baumgardt" onClick="_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Image Gallery Carousel', 'Enlarge', 'View Larger Image']);">View Larger Image.</a></div><a href="#" class="p-next-img"><img src="" class="cover secondary"/></a><h2 class="slideHed">2015 Pan Am Cyclocross championships: Powers' Pan Am jersey
</h2><div><p>Powers donned the Pan Am champion's jersey. Photo: Kent Baumgardt</p></div></li><li class="slide"><a href=""><imgsrc="" /></a></li></ul>

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