"We know that it is strictly impossible for any building, much less steel columned buildings, to 'pa


War Office

Paul Craig Roberts, PhD - Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
under Ronald Reagan. "Father of Reaganomics." Former Associate Editor
of the Wall Street Journal. Currently Chairman of the Institute for
Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.


The people in Usenet here who have defended the official story and
attacked 9/11 Truthers who are trying to get the evidence and ideas
and knowledge base out to the people to warn everyone are they
greatest criminals of humanity of our generation.

Yes thats you Tropi/Tex/Sunny of www.whackingday.com and all your
puppets and all your friends from Israel.

We WILL have you hunted down after the major crime network has been
overthrown and brought to trial. You Neo-Nazis will not escape the
claws of JUSTICE.
"War Office" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Paul Craig Roberts, PhD - Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
> under Ronald Reagan. "Father of Reaganomics." Former Associate Editor
> of the Wall Street Journal. Currently Chairman of the Institute for
> Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14566.htm

What does this have to do with bicycles, ****-for-brains?
Tex said:
"War Office" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Paul Craig Roberts, PhD - Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
> under Ronald Reagan. "Father of Reaganomics." Former Associate Editor
> of the Wall Street Journal. Currently Chairman of the Institute for
> Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.
> http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14566.htm

What does this have to do with bicycles, ****-for-brains?
This explains how Rasmussen went so well in the TT!
The Double Zero said:
This explains how Rasmussen went so well in the TT!
I nominate this thread for the "Longest Thread Title of The Year" awards.
matagi said:
I nominate this thread for the "Longest Thread Title of The Year" awards.

Naahhhh, you haven't seen some of boxtards attempts at the record.
On 21 jul, 11:17, "Tex" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "War Office" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Paul Craig Roberts, PhD - Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury
> > under Ronald Reagan. "Father of Reaganomics." Former Associate Editor
> > of the Wall Street Journal. Currently Chairman of the Institute for
> > Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.

> >http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14566.htm

> What does this have to do with bicycles, ****-for-brains?

are there members of humanity in aus.bicycle forum?

We will bring the war to your country if you don't pay attention. Then
you won't be able to ride bicycles with normal helmets. You'll need to
wear a soldiers helmet.
Midex wrote:

> We will bring the war to your country if you don't pay attention. Then
> you won't be able to ride bicycles with normal helmets. You'll need to
> wear a soldiers helmet.

What is the difference?
We are not under the illusion that bicycle h*lm*ts are good for anything
anyway and no intelligent soldiers (oxymoron?) thinks that a steel or
(kevlar[1]) helmet is going to stop a bullet anyway.

Plus, in Australia, they both induce heat stroke in summer.

[1] esoteric reference to another thread in another usenet group.
