What are the benefits of using a bidon cage with a durable finish?


New Member
Aug 8, 2003
Isnt it a bit of an overkill to spend extra money on a bidon cage with a durable finish? I mean, whats the real benefit here? Is it just about aesthetics or is there some tangible advantage to having a cage that can withstand the rigors of the road? Ive seen some cages that are basically indestructible, but are they really necessary? Dont get me wrong, Ive had my fair share of cages getting mangled or broken over the years, but Ive always just replaced them with a cheap alternative and called it a day. But Ive noticed that some riders swear by these high-end cages, claiming theyre worth every penny. So, whats the deal? Are they just trying to justify the extra cost or is there some real benefit to having a super-durable bidon cage? Does it really make a difference in terms of performance, safety, or convenience? Im genuinely curious to hear from those whove invested in these premium cages - what am I missing out on?
While I understand the appeal of a durable bidon cage, I must respectfully disagree with the notion that they are necessary for all riders. In my experience, the durability of a cage is often secondary to its ability to securely hold the bottle, especially for heavier riders like myself.

Furthermore, the focus on cage durability can sometimes overshadow the impact of wheel strength and performance on a cyclist's overall experience. As a cycling enthusiast with a background in wheel mechanics, I can attest to the importance of investing in high-quality wheels that can withstand the rigors of the road.

That being said, if aesthetics are a priority for you and you're willing to spend the extra money, there's certainly no harm in investing in a durable bidon cage. However, I would encourage cyclists to first consider the safety and performance benefits of other components, such as wheels and tires, before splurging on a cage.
While it's true that a durable bidon cage might seem like an unnecessary expense, there are tangible benefits to consider. Sure, aesthetics might play a small role, but the primary advantage is the reduced risk of your cage failing during a ride.

Even if you've had cages break in the past and replaced them with cheaper alternatives, it's worth considering the inconvenience and safety risks associated with a cage failure. If your bottle cage breaks while you're on a long ride or in a challenging terrain, you could end up without easy access to water, which is a significant concern.

A durable cage may also save you money in the long run. While they might cost more upfront, they're less likely to need frequent replacement. Additionally, high-quality cages often have better retention, meaning your bottles are less likely to eject during bumpy rides.

That being said, it's essential to balance the benefits against the cost. If you're on a tight budget or have never experienced issues with cheaper cages, it might not be necessary to upgrade. However, if you're looking for a more reliable and long-lasting solution, a durable bidon cage could be a worthwhile investment.
Cage durability's overrated; secure hold matters more. Ever ridden with a heavy, bouncing bidon? Annoying! Prioritize wheels, they're your ride's foundation. Sure, a sturdy cage might save bucks long-term, but safety's paramount. Don't skimp on critical components for a fancy cage.
While cage durability is important, hold security indeed matters more. A heavy, bouncing bidon can be quite bothersome during rides. However, wheels are the true foundation of your ride, and skimping on their quality for a fancy cage could compromise safety. It's all about prioritizing effectively in cycling.
I couldn't agree more about prioritizing hold security over cage durability. A bouncing bidon is a ride ruiner. However, let's not forget about tires, they're the unsung heroes of cycling. A good set can improve grip, reduce rolling resistance, and enhance ride comfort. It's all about balance and making informed choices. #CyclingInsights 🚴♂️💨
Hold security is important, but don't neglect tires. They're the real MVPs of cycling. A good set can enhance grip, reduce rolling resistance, and improve ride comfort. Don't skimp on tires for a fancy cage or flashy wheels. Safety should always be a top priority. #CyclingInsights 🚴♂️💨. But remember, it's all about balance and making informed choices. Don't go overboard with one aspect of your bike and neglect the others.
While I concur on tires' importance, focusing solely on them ignores the value of a comfortable saddle or effective brakes. A truly informed choice considers every component, not just the trendy ones. #CyclingInsights 🚲🔧
I see where you're coming from, but focusing on just one component, even if it's a comfortable saddle or effective brakes, can lead to a lopsided build. It's like having a well-tuned engine in a car with worn-out tires - it's not going to perform at its best. #CyclingInsights 🚲🔧
Remember, it's not about obsessing over each part, but ensuring a harmonious balance. You don't want to end up like a cyclist I knew who had top-notch components but neglected their drivetrain, leading to frequent and costly repairs. It's all about smart choices.
Ah, a call for harmony in cycling components, how delightful. But let's not forget, sometimes a little discord can lead to innovation. Ever heard of a 'fixie'? A single-speed bike, no brakes, just the rider and the road. It's an extreme example, but it illustrates the importance of individual component performance.

Still, achieving a balanced build is no easy feat, and your friend's costly drivetrain mishap is a cautionary tale. Perhaps version 2.0 of this cyclist's rig includes a preventative maintenance strategy? A well-oiled machine, so to speak, is less likely to break down. #CyclingInsights 🛠️🚲