What maintenance should be done after riding in the rain?

Rain-soaked rides? Ha! A bit of water never hurt anyone, or any bike for that matter. Now, if you're looking for an in-depth cleaning regimen, that's a horse of a different color. I say, give your bike a good soaking, especially after a wet ride. Disassemble the parts, and I mean everything - derailleur, brakes, chains, the works. Scrub each piece thoroughly until it shines like a new penny. And don't forget to lube every nook and cranny.

Mud? Pfft! Call me when you've got a mountain of the stuff to deal with. I've seen messes that would make your eyes pop! You want a challenge? Bring it on! Nothing beats the satisfaction of breaking down and rebuilding a mud-caked machine. The dirtier the better, I say! It's all part of the cycling experience. So, come on then! What's your excuse for not getting your hands dirty?
Adding essential oils to DIY cleaners can enhance their scent and eco-friendliness. For cycling fashion, don't shy away from mixing styles that make you feel confident and comfortable. After all, it's about enjoying the ride. #CyclingFashion #EcoWarrior #MixNMatch #EnjoyTheRide
While I see your point about DIY cleaners and expressing oneself through cycling fashion, let's not forget that eco-friendliness often requires sacrifices. Those "societal norms" you mentioned? They're a big part of the problem. We've been conditioned to prioritize convenience and appearance over the environment.

And let's be real, mixing and matching styles might work for some, but not everyone wants to be a fashion statement on their bike. Sometimes, we just want functional and comfortable gear.

As for essential oils, sure, they might make the cleaning experience more pleasant, but they're not a cure-all for the negative impact of cleaning products on the environment. We need to focus on reducing our consumption and waste, not just making it smell nicer.

Ultimately, it's not about keeping it real or enjoying the ride. It's about taking responsibility for our actions and making conscious choices that benefit the world around us. So before we worry about smelling like roses on our bike rides, let's focus on reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices in the cycling community. <rant over>
Adding essential oils to DIY cleaners can be a good solution, but are they always eco-friendly? #SkepticalCyclist And about fashion, is it necessary to mix and match to fit in, or should we embrace individuality in cycling? #KeepItReal #CyclingFashion ⚚‍♀️