Where are the best bike shops ?


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
I've just moved to the Uk for a year from Italy - can anyone recommend a good bike shop for clothing/accessories ?
I'm still getting to grips with English humour ! I was rather hoping for something in a 10 mile radius of Herne Hill, London ?
It's been a while since I've been to a bike shop in London but from past recollection the two that I liked the most were

Evans Cycles - there's a few stores around London, so there should be one pretty close to you.

Condor Cycles. There's a lot of 'top of the range' stuff there. Monty Young, the founder was still the owner the last time I went and is one of the best wheel builders out there. Not sure if he's still there or not of if his kid is running the show now. If you need the 'best of the best' or a bombproof set of wheels this shop could well be worth the trip to the north side of the Thames.
You can order online because there are many amazing online stores with worldwide shipment options. However, if you have any problem, you can search for the best stores on the Internet. By the way, I would prefer you the online stores.
London has many bike stores. But lately you don't need to move around shops to compare prices since you can do it online. It will be cheaper for you to order for accessories online. This will save you time and money since you will avoid moving from one shop to another. There are a lot of reputable online stores where you can buy your bike accessories directly from the manufacturer.