A public thank-you to Mike Jacoubowsky and mild reproach to "S" brand



Thank you, Mike, for your page:

but I must add that the design for which this fix is intended is
indeed pathetic. Who would ever design and manufacture something
that, having endured a single tumble against a garage door with a final
resting angle of perhaps 75 degrees, would create such an ungodly
For shame.

But for helpful folk like Mike all these flimsy caps would still be
rattling away.

Alstead wrote:

> Thank you, Mike, for your page:
> http://www.chainreactionbicycles.com/noisystilevers.htm
> but I must add that the design for which this fix is intended is
> indeed pathetic. Who would ever design and manufacture something
> that, having endured a single tumble against a garage door with a final
> resting angle of perhaps 75 degrees, would create such an ungodly
> racket?
> For shame.
> But for helpful folk like Mike all these flimsy caps would still be
> rattling away.

I use downtube shifters and my 105 brake levers still rattle...
On Tue, 01 Mar 2005 21:18:32 +0000, Zog The Undeniable <[email protected]>

>Alstead wrote:
>> Thank you, Mike, for your page:
>> http://www.chainreactionbicycles.com/noisystilevers.htm
>> but I must add that the design for which this fix is intended is
>> indeed pathetic. Who would ever design and manufacture something
>> that, having endured a single tumble against a garage door with a final
>> resting angle of perhaps 75 degrees, would create such an ungodly
>> racket?
>> For shame.
>> But for helpful folk like Mike all these flimsy caps would still be
>> rattling away.

>I use downtube shifters and my 105 brake levers still rattle...

So did mine, the old ones with the once-white hoods. Buzz something sinful.
