Armstrong - AP Male Athlete of the Year

>Now a debate on the merits of golf may be another matter; and I am
>always willing to discuss Anna K and other tennis hotties.

I think you could include nearly all of RBR on that one, for
the most obvious reasons.

>As for an RBR rookie -- no (but have not posted previously under this
>name or recently for that matter - I've been competing since the

>80's (Cat. 2) and have lurked on this board for 5-6 yrs).

Good for you, that's a good reason you are knowledgeable about
the sport of RBR. We have a lot in common, read on. It's just
that you are posting with an anonymous handle and don't always get
respect when you first start posting in that manner.

>Golf: How can you demand respect for cycling as a sport (viewed by

>as not or atleast trivial) -- Kind of like your jogging before you

>up cycling-- and demean the sport of golf. I'm a golfer and I can tell
>you that after playing in the hot sun carrying a bag and walking a
>course -- you are tired and the hitting a golf shot requires strength,
>dexterity and eye-hand coordination. BTW all sports do not need to

>purely aerobic in nature.

I was a gold junkie in the '80s. In fact I have golfed since I was 7
years old (Studebaker Public Golf Course, South Bend, Indiana).
I always sucked at golf. You cannot get fit at golf. It's great
for drinking beer and swatting at the ball. Birdies for me were
extremely rare. I went from gold to tennis.

I took part in the Little 500 bike race at Indiana U. before
I started distance running -- then the pounding of the running on my
knees and ankles got to me and pushed me into competitive
amateur cycling c. 1994-95. Now all I do, when I do race, are the
Masters 1/2/3 events.

>Tennis v. Golf hotties: Tennis wins hands down; Most women golf pros
>are beastly and not interested in you parking the car in their garage
>("Not that there is anything wrong with that" --Jerry S. -- just not

>deal). Anna K and a high percentage of the other women tennis pros are
>just plain hot (my deal).

100% agree.

>Ok now before I get the hate male from the women -- its just an
>observation -- but to further dig a hole-- i find that women cycling
>pros tend to be a lot hotter (T-mobile) than the women amateur
>cyclists (your group ride), and yes there are exceptions (which prove
>the rule) -- and no that does not mean that if you are an amateur
>cyclist that your not hot or that your ugly or that your a
>lesser [sic] human
>being, just probably likely to be less hot then your average pro.

Probably true/never thought about it that way.

Ride on, ken.