Armstrong will not win another tour

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Jon Meyers wrote:
> Newbie question, here--so go easy... It seems to me that a guy who can finish 4th with a broken
> collarbone could mount a serious challenge if he stays healthy. How can you rule out Hamilton so
> emphatically?

It's conceivable, but LANCE's key advantage is his power-to-weight ratio on certain gradients. Time
trialing and overall climbing are things that other riders can and do match. Ullrich matches LANCE
on all but steep gradients.

I don't know if there's enough evidence to say whether Tyler can or can't stay with LANCE during one
of LANCE's trademark attacks. LANCE rode away from EVERYONE on Luz Ardiden, and he's been able to do
that multiple times in previous years. And if Tyler stays with CSC next year, his team won't be as
strong in the mountains as USPS (probably).

Lynn Wallace "I'm not proud. We really haven't done everything we
could to protect our customers. Our products just aren't engineered for security." --Microsoft VP in
charge of Windows OS Development, Brian Valentine.
"Jiyang Chen" wrote:
> What's to prevent him from winning another one?

The weight of history is against him. Look how quickly Indurain declined. Armstrong certainly showed
signs of decline this year.

Art Harris
Art Harris wrote:
> Look how quickly Indurain declined.

Indurain never completely showed it. He had one bad Tour following what was to that point had been a
solid season, then went on to win an Olympic gold medal. And then he was gone.
This thread is ridiculous.

lazysegall <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> Karhu wrote:
> > [email protected] (Evan Bigall) wrote in news:3fcf3908.0307271245.716-
> > [email protected]:news:[email protected]
> > > My guess is that you will see a very "anti Lance" course next year. Modest stages, flat
> > > ITTs, short TTT. In a sense you could say that's unfair, but really, if he wants to earn
> > > himself a step in history above Mercx, shouldn't that really be earned? I'm sure thats how
> > > The Society will see it...
> > >
> > > He may win, but to do it, he'll have to show up with a lot more in the bag then he did this
> > > year.
> > >
> > > Evan
> > >
> > It´s not possible to tailor make an anti Lance course, unless the powers that be decide to
> > drop all TTs and mountain stages.... The difficulty of the course will only affect the margin
> > of victory, not the eventual outcome. Lance is just to good for the current generation of
> > riders.
> What would be a true anti lance course...Would it be one to favor the climbers like simoni and
> mayo or would it be a TT course made for Jan. If it was at TT course then there is only one person
> who can even dream of challenging Lance. There will also be big mountains as the crowds come out.
> Not to mention that big mountains mean heroics for french riders think vireque, jalabert. Even in
> the TTT a short course may not benifit armstrong. If Botero was healthy and Vino continues his
> improvement then they might be the best. CSC could also challenge. Millar is also looking to move
> next year and he could put one of many teams way over postal in the TTT. So the TTT might actually
> be an advantage for other teams if they make a concerted effort.
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