Attaching Cygolite "streak 310" To Helmet


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2015
I bought a Cygolite "Streak 310" headlight which I would like to strap on to my helmet. I could get it on the handlebar, but it looks like it will be very fiddly to do that and will obstruct access to my handlebar bag. So, I want it on my helmet.

What is the best way to attach this to the helmet? I have some Redpoint brand "Sport Wrap" velcro straps purchased from REI. Two of the 12" straps secure the light to the helmet, but my head feels the buckles. The helmet feels top heavy, too.

Thanks a ton

Cygolite makes a helmet mount kit for this, for $13.95 plus shipping. I was hoping for something less expensive -- the 12" Sport Wrap does work but I have to mount the light upside down (meaning the switch button is impossible to reach once the helmet is on my head) and the buckle to the sport wrap does grind into my head.

Thanks a ton

Does a helmet mounted light meet the legal requirements? If you look the wrong direction, do you risk not being seenby an approaching vehicle, or blinding the driver? Is it useful for treeing coons?

I can understand the attraction for a helmet mounted light, coal-miner style. How much does it weigh, and is the extra weight on the helmet worth the added fatigue factor? Can you wear your helmet when gigging frogs? If you are biking to the local pond or swamp, how do you carry your gig-pole?
I haven't actually read anything that says a helmet-mounted headlight is illegal in this area. A lot of the "committed" cyclists in my area (close to Washington, D.C.) seem to have at least one helmet mounted light on them, for either rear or forward visibility on the road. Some have both. They are very visible. That is my goal -- achieving that same visibility. I commute to work and my Hotshot tail light is wonderful for rearward visibility. Now I want the headlight, and I prefer that to be mounted on my helmet. I'm pretty sure I will be seen even with the light in the "low" setting. I don't expect I'll really blind oncoming drivers -- there are different operating modes on the headlamp and I suspect they are all weaker than modern headlights on new cars. Mounting the light on my handlebar will hamper access to my handlebar bag, and the field of view is more restricted.

I live in a very urban environment, and I try to avoid the two ponds that are local to me. They are almost always overcrowded with other cyclists and pedestrians. No fishing for me, since I don't have an interest in the sport. (Smile.)

Thanks a ton

In Sweden at least, using a head/helmet mounted light for the purpose of illuminating the road is "technically" illegal. Meaning it is forbidden, but I've never heard of anyone getting caught and fined for it.
The theory is that as the light goes wherever you look, there's an excessive risk of dazzling other road users. It's quite debated, with some commuters claiming to be so disciplined as to keep their heads - and hence the light - pointed nicely at the ground while swivelling their eyes only to keep track of traffic.
I don't know about that.
Others simply claim that the added sense of safety from the ability to deliberately stick a light in the face of other road users is well worth the seemingly very small risk of getting fined.
" I don't expect I'll really blind oncoming drivers -- there are different operating modes on the headlamp and I suspect they are all weaker than modern headlights on new cars. "

While this sounds reasonable, it is too much of a simplification.
While car headlights indeed have a bigger wattage, they ALSO have a rather fixed direction. If properly set up, the beam path limits the space where someone can be hit by the full intensity considerably.
A head-mounted light that is free to swivel doesn't have that limitation.
Then there is that troublesome part about light flow and intensity.
A certain flow released in a wider cone can easily result in the same, or a lower intensity than a lower flow released in a narrower cone.
And car headlights, particularly the low/dipped beams are made to go wide and low.
Isn't dangerous to attach a light on a helmet?

That might just be my recent accident talking but...
Attaching lights to helmets is so well accepted that one can buy helmet mounting kits for them. They are manufactured. It is also not as if I'm buying a device of monstrous power that is sure to drop a motorist dead with one press of the button. These lights are commonly sold in bike shops -- that is where I got mine -- and is one of the lower power models, actually. I think the rated output is 310 lumens. More expensive models go up to 1700.

I've seen the safety benefits of them for the cyclists. Meaning me. I'm not worried about motor vehicle drivers. I've used a Nite Rider headlight in the distant past -- I don't think that model was an LED one, and the battery pack weighed a ton. I've never yet caused an accident, and no motorist has informed me that s/he was blinded by my headlight. Remember, someone in a vehicle can easily overtake me, cut me off, and give me a lecture. So could a cruising police officer, and this area has loads of police officers on duty. No one has pulled me over yet. If this happens, I will be quite certain to listen carefully to the offended motorist, or the ticketing police officer, and make adjustments forthwith.

A much bigger issue is that someone coming head on to me from the front, is not going to notice me unless I have some form of strobing light. The other driver very well could be blinded by his cell phone and addiction to texting while driving. Terribly dangerous for the motor vehicle driver -- and for me. A strobing pulsing light is just the ticket.

So that is precisely what I've done. Ordered a helmet mounting kit.

I really only wanted to seek out better ways to temporarily but firmly attach the light to my helmet without spending $13.95.

