balance and/or courage tips for Ride-A-Lot



Ride-A-Lot, I can give you balance tips and courage tips (exercises on
how to become courageous since yer such a wus palsy).

Do you want me to do these two categorys separately or in one post

Did I spell categorys right pookums?

Hey, a good courage tip for you to increase your courage from extreme
feminism femaleness, to male masculinity, is to buy and mount a pink
basket on your handlebars, and carry some pickles in it.

Also, Pookums, you can and should get a pink seat, and pink tires.
This is reverse psychology, so when true MTBers might see you, they
know that you're in a transcention mode, from extreme femaleness, to
male masculinity.

Another good method for increasing your courage is to watch Mr.
Snuffleupagus and Abby Cadabby on Seasame Street, whilst eating
pickles and staring at a picture of J.D., best done by mounting a
picture of J.D. on top of your television set.