Best Cruising seat with springs


New Member
Jul 8, 2011
I just purchased a schwinn bike new and the seat is not comfortable. Im a big guy. 250lbs. I used to have a old 80's schwinn with a big boy seat with 2 springs under the seat. I am looking now for a better seat and see that schwinn sells a pillow top seat for 20 bucks. Are they any good or is there something better. Im using the bike just to ride around in the city. Its not a performance bike.

Any suggestions.

For pavement roads you don't need springs or pillow-like gel, simple because you seat on your sit-bones. You do need a wide saddle surface for your size and a couple of days to get used to a new saddle,
FWIW. Subjectively, the "best" saddle with springs is probably the BROOKS B67.

  • the leather requires periodic maintenance ...

Unfortunately, its cost may be outside your budget -- figure, $100+.