Best way of positioning LOOK shoe plates?


New Member
Jul 19, 2003
I have not seen a satisfactory answer yet - is there an easy way?
Any tips from the experts?
If you mean "cleats", then there is the basic rule of thumb method:

1> Accurately measure your cycling shoe from toe to heel.
2> Now divide the measurement into thirds.
3> Fit the cleats. The centre of the pedal spindle should pass through one-third of the way back from the front of the shoe.

Remember that this is a basic guideline. You can fine tune from there.
Tip: once you have found "the" perfect spot for the cleat, draw an outline of the cleat on the shoe with some permanent marker.

That way, when it comes to cleat replacement time, you know exactly where to install the new one.
Originally posted by serottarider
The adhesive fitting template supplied with Look replacement cleats works pretty well too.

Thats assuming you are keeping the same shoes!

I am setting up a new pair of shoes with a new set of plates!