Bicycle Maintenance evening classes - Tuesday 31 January 2006


David Green

Places are available on the following evening class:

Bicycle Maintenance
7x2 hour evening classes, 7.15 -- 9.15pm
First session 7.15 pm Tuesday 31 January 2006
venue: Coleridge Community College, Radegund Road, Cambridge CB1 3RJ
Cost: £45 (concessions available)

Suitable for those with people with little or no previous experience of
bicycle maintenance who want to get started.

Topics covered:

· setting up your bike and quick safety-checks
· adjusting your brakes, replacing brake blocks and cables
· fixing punctures and changing tyres
· adjusting gears
· Chains: removal, cleaning and lubrication. Using a chain tool.
· Hub bearings: servicing and adjusting
· Freewheel removal

This course is designed to give you the confidence and knowledge needed
to handle the most common bike maintenance tasks, and whet your
for some less-everyday tasks. The emphasis is on building your
confidence and on preventing problems by keeping the bike in good

Information sheet (PDF 76kb)

Enrolments: contact LifeLong Learning office 01223 712340 asap.

David Green
Cambridge, UK.