Bicycle safety According to




"Safety Information - Always wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads
when riding. Do not ride at night or in areas of traffic."

Geez, I violated every one of those requirements in the past 24 hours.
SMS wrote:
> ""
> "Safety Information - Always wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads
> when riding. Do not ride at night or in areas of traffic."

What? Knee pads and elbow pads? Don't ride in traffic? Don't ride at

How about: "Run for your life, there's a car coming!"


David L. Johnson

What is objectionable, and what is dangerous about extremists is not
that they are extreme, but that they are intolerant.
--Robert F. Kennedy
On 2007-09-27, SMS <[email protected]> wrote:
> ""
> "Safety Information - Always wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow
> pads when riding. Do not ride at night or in areas of traffic."
> Geez, I violated every one of those requirements in the past 24
> hours.

They're probably just covering their metaphorical butts in case of
any potential lawsuit, with or without merit. "But your honor, the
plaintiff whose bicycle's
(brakes|frame|whatever) failed clearly would not have sustained such
injuries had he exercised due diligence and worn a helmet, knee
pads, and elbow pads while riding. And he was riding IN TRAFFIC, of
all things!"

Part of me would probably want to do the same thing, in their shoes:
sadly, it isn't far-fetched to imagine some customer suing Amazon
for selling him a bicycle which he subsequently crashed, to nobody's
fault other than his own. Stranger lawsuits have happened.

Mark Shroyer
On Sep 26, 7:14 pm, SMS <[email protected]> wrote:
> ""
> "Safety Information - Always wear a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads
> when riding. Do not ride at night or in areas of traffic."
> Geez, I violated every one of those requirements in the past 24 hours.

This is just lawyer fodder.

Looking to Amazon for bicycle safety information is like looking to an
auto mechanic for baking advice or a baker for piano lessons.
