bike messengers and track bikes?


New Member
Sep 12, 2004
hi all me a newbie, but i was wondering why bike messengers like single speeds so much. is it the cool factor, the simplicity, or what. just curious.


mike baffaro

trek 750
They're light, durable, and easy to maintain. Cities like New York are flat enough that you only need one gear. Fixed gearing is also good at exacting karmic retribution on any thief who doesn't know about it.
artmichalek said:
They're light, durable, and easy to maintain. Cities like New York are flat enough that you only need one gear. Fixed gearing is also good at exacting karmic retribution on any thief who doesn't know about it.

I think you nailed it exactly. Less to break-down, easy to maintain, they're not out as much if their bike does get ripped-off, and there's the chance that the theif may have a nasty crash or roll-out into traffic while trying to make-off with a fixy!