Bioflex Ozone Gel ladies saddle + advice please?

Aura Topp

New Member
Sep 3, 2011
Can anyone tell me what this saddle is like please and is it worth buying? Would like it for occasional long distance(as in five miles). have seen it on Wiggle for [COLOR= rgb(60, 77, 146)]£22.49 with free delivery. Should I go for it? Many thanks.[/COLOR]
Asking other people for saddle advice is like asking other people about advice for shoe fit - it's very individual, and don't transfer particularly well.

I've never had any luck with gel saddles. Sure, they're easier on the sit bones, but as the sit bones sink in, that just ups the pressure on tha area inbetween.

And as for five miles as in long distance, that takes you what - 20-30 minutes?
If you're troubled by that, odds are that the fix for your issue (assuming your current saddle isn't entirely wrong) is simply go get more practice.
I'm not saying you need to develop callouses, but there's a definite element of adapting to the load here.
Well, if you want to increase the odds of success, first measure the width between your sit bones. Basically sit down on anything that will take an impression, a piece of corrugated cardboard will do. Measure center-center for the indentations from your sit bones then try to find a saddle with the appropriate width.