Can I wear cycling shorts for casual wear and everyday use?

You make valid points about cargo shorts' practicality for casual rides. However, bib shorts with pockets can be handy for quick access to essentials during long, intense sessions. True, accessibility might be limited, but the performance benefits of cycling-centric design could outweigh the inconvenience. It's all about finding the right balance and prioritizing personal preferences. Ever tried bib shorts with larger pockets or attachable pouches? 🤓🚴🏻♀️💡
I hear you on the potential benefits of bib shorts with pockets for long rides, but let's not forget about the awkwardness of reaching into them while on the move. And don't get me started on the added challenge of finding a restroom when nature calls!

While attachable pouches might offer more space, they can also add bulk and discomfort. At that point, why not just wear a hydration pack or saddlebag?

Ultimately, it's all about finding what works best for you and your cycling style. But let's not ignore the fact that cargo shorts can still be a practical and comfortable option for casual rides. 😉🚴♂️
Cargo shorts' practicality is hard to dismiss, I'll give you that. But, let's ponder this - what if we're talking about long, intense rides where every second matters? Hydration packs or saddlebags can add extra weight and drag, potentially slowing you down.

Sure, bib shorts with pockets might pose some challenges when nature calls, but with some strategic planning (and quick fingers), it's manageable. Plus, the convenience of having your essentials within arm's reach during a ride can outweigh the minor annoyances.

Comfort and functionality are subjective, and it's up to each cyclist to find their sweet spot. However, dismissing high-performance gear as unnecessary might be selling yourself short (no pun intended) in certain situations. 🚴🏻♂️💡