Cannondale Bent Set up



Just to pass along some info I have gleaned after owning and riding my
Cannondale bent since last (2003) October.
First it is geared to low. After riding for a bit and getting used to the
bike , you will find out that you will run out of peddle in top gear. Easy
fix, change out the front chainring, go from 32 teeth to 42,44 teeth. It's a
one hour job even if you have never done it before. Now you have gear inches
you can use and some to grow into. Low range will still get you down to
three MPH on a very steep climb.
Next read you owners manual on the proper set up of the pre-load of the
rear shock. Page 14 - 15. How do you turn that durn spring preload spring?
After almost a year I've figured it out. Go to Sears and buy their strap
wrench 3 set. Take the rubber band off of the mid-size one and thread it
around the preload ring. Buy pulling on one end or the other it will tighten
or loosen. You should loosen it all the way up, then follow the
instructions and set your proper preload.
After I did mine I found out it had been set up for a 260lb. rider. I'm
Stacey, Baltimore