Cape Argus 2005


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
So it's a week after possible the windiest Argus ever :( - I didn't make my goal time of 3 hours but did a 3h30 and took an hour off of last year's time. Bit dissappointed about the wind because I am sure that everyone would have been a bit faster if we weren't being pummelled by the Cape Doctor. Anyway, let me know how your race went ...
Hey Alida

:D The Argus was and always will be a great ride. Was hammered a little by the wind and never went under 3h30 as planned - finished around 3h43. Thanks for the previous advice on the bikes - ended up getting a Raleigh for my wife - added a triple chain ring though - she loved every minute of the ride, even though she was stopped for 15 minutes while they airlifted someone off of the back of Chappies.
ant e said:
Hey Alida

:D The Argus was and always will be a great ride.
Sure looks like a beautiful tour! I've got a chance to check the route via 2crossings "Argus Cycle Tour" training DVD, it's going to be a favorite this winter ;)
We did the Argus for the first time and the wind battered us too. Well we finished. Thats about as happy as we could be. When we entered last year, we were really amped to do the Argus, but after Christmas and a trip over seas, twoo weeks before Argus, we were happy to just follow. Unfortunatley its a long way to Cape Town do it will be a while before I do it again.
The Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour is a race which gets my adrenalin flowing just thinking about it :D

Setting new Target times, resolutions after emerging from the Cape winter is on my mind right now.

During the last few weeks of winter I have decided to launch a new cycling focused website especially for Argus vets to carve in stone each and every pedal stroke over Chappies.

We will even have a repository for your Argus fotos too!

If you are an Argus nut like me have a look at :)

Submit your account of your Argus experience, your photos, and your advice to Argus newbies.