Cape Cod, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard - dream tour!


New Member
Jul 28, 2004
Finally getting around to posting about the awesome tour of Cape Cod I did in early August 2006. It was a solo job, my first tour ever, and it worked out like a dream.

I flew from Memphis to Boston and then hopped a FAST ferry across to Provicetown, at the northern tip of Cape Cod. I had already shipped all my gear, pedals, racks, panniers, camping and snorkeling equipment - everything - to the good people at P'Town bikes in Provincetown, so that all I had to do when I got there was clip the panniers onto the already mounted rack, throw a leg over and pedal into the sunset. $75 a week for a touring-worthy hybrid (Gary Fisher Zebrano, from their rental fleet...) worked fine for the 35 miles a day I put in. I intentionally left my mileage a bit low, in order to cash in on the beaches, seafood, and shopping that are all over the place out on the cape and Islands.

I'll make a long story short(er):

Basic route was: Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet (picked up the Cape Cod Rail Trail in South Wellfleet) Orleans, Nickerson State Park, Harwich, Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, Hyannis, Dennis, Nickerson, Orleans, Wellfleet, Truro, Provincetown. 7 days, about 175 miles. Stayed at hostels and campgrounds and enjoyed both, though I'll probably opt for hostels-only next time to reduce my load a bit.

Highlights included just about every moment of every day, but certainly the time spent snorkeling off of Aquinnah (Gay Head) Martha's Vineyard, eating home made scones at the Even Keel in Nantucket, and just whiling away the days taking pictures and eating delicious food. The nicest thing about it all? Waking up every morning with nothing to do, and all day to get it done!! As soon as I returned home, I started planning my next tour.

Check out the photos in the album here for a bit of flavor. If you haven't toured the cape, you should definietly look into it. That place is MADE for cycle touring!

Q's or comments, email [email protected]

Here's the photos link:

Next tour is Miami-Key West - Miami via the overseas highway - 7 days of sun and fun... and oh yeah, biking! Tentatively scheduled for May 2007. or earlier ...
