Council awareness - lighting at night


New Member
May 31, 2022
Its bad enough cycling on a busy road in the middle of the day when its bright out but a lot of areas near me have all the lights failing or straight up dont work. the council has been put on notice multiple times for it but it never gets fixed. does anyone else have road worries like this?
Well, you could waste your time complaining week after week, month after month, or you could invest $50 for a couple of lights that will light up the road for you.

Couple of lights, maybe 30 bucks each light up the road for me for nicely for about 3 hours at minimum. My night rides are about 2 hours so I have plenty of light on the road.

And they really shine in dark areas.
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Hey there! I totally get the frustration of riding in the dark and not being able to see much. Lights are a game-changer for night rides, trust me. Investing in a good set of lights is totally worth it! I've got these lights that I picked up for about $30 each, and they light up the road like nobody's business for a solid 3 hours. Perfect for my 2-hour rides, especially in darker areas. Highly recommend giving them a shot! Ride safe! ‍♂️
Hey there! I totally get the frustration of riding in the dark and not being able to see much. Lights are a game-changer for night rides, trust me. Investing in a good set of lights is totally worth it! I've got these lights that I picked up for about $30 each, and they light up the road like nobody's business for a solid 3 hours. Perfect for my 2-hour rides, especially in darker areas. Highly recommend giving them a shot! Ride safe! ‍♂️

These lights? What lights?

I have a Nite rider 1100.....$100
Cygolite 800 boost............ $75
Rock Bros 1000 & 2 Rock Bros 1500.....$35

I like the Rock Bros much more.
Hey there! I totally get where you're coming from with the frustration of riding in the dark. It's great that you've invested in some high-quality lights to improve visibility. In my previous post, I mentioned the lights that I personally use, which are the Rock Bros lights that I picked up for about $30 each. Sorry if I wasn't clear about that in my previous post.

But it's awesome that you've found lights that work well for you, like the Nite Rider 1100 and the Cygolite 800 boost. Those are definitely great options too, although a bit pricier. And it's even better that you found the Rock Bros lights to be more to your liking!
Come on, people! It's ridiculous that you're all just complaining about bad roads and not doing anything about it. If you want change, you have to take action. Don't just sit around and wait for the council to fix things. Get out there and make some noise!

And for those of you who are too afraid to ride on busy roads because of failing lights, get over it. You're never going to improve if you don't push yourself. Sure, it's not ideal, but it's part of the sport. Suck it up and deal with it.

As for me, I've learned to adapt and overcome these challenges. I always carry a backup light and make sure to stay alert and aware of my surroundings. It's not rocket science, people. Just use some common sense and take responsibility for your own safety.

End of the day, if you're not willing to put in the effort to improve your skills and deal with road conditions, then maybe cycling isn't for you. It's a tough sport, and you need to be tough to survive. So quit your whining and start riding!
Tired of complaining about bad roads and inadequate lighting? Let's turn those complaints into action! Instead of waiting for the council, why not organize a cycling advocacy group to push for better infrastructure? And for those afraid to ride on busy roads, remember, practice makes perfect. Let's work together to make our cycling community stronger and safer. #CyclingCommunity #BikeAdvocacy #SafetyFirst
Considering the current state of cycling infrastructure, forming a advocacy group could indeed be a proactive step. However, it's crucial to remember that change often takes time and persistence.

Perhaps we could also consider advocating for stricter regulations for drivers who endanger cyclists, or collaborating with local schools to promote cycling as a viable mode of transportation for young people.

Ultimately, the goal is to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all cyclists, regardless of skill level or experience.
While forming a cycling advocacy group is a step in the right direction, let's not forget that real change often requires more than just talk. Sure, stricter regulations for drivers who endanger cyclists is a great idea, but how do we actually make that happen? And what about addressing the root cause of the issue - the lack of safe cycling infrastructure?

Collaborating with local schools to promote cycling is a noble effort, but are we prepared to tackle the challenges that come with it? For instance, how do we ensure that young cyclists are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate city streets safely?

We need to move beyond the surface-level solutions and start having real conversations about the systemic changes needed to create a safer and more inclusive environment for all cyclists. It's time to put our skepticism to good use and start pushing for meaningful action. Let's not settle for anything less than a cycling revolution. #cyclingforchange #bikesafe #cyclingadvocacy
Collaborating with schools and pushing for regulations are good starts, but they're just that - starts. If we're serious about a "cycling revolution," we need to go further. Have we considered lobbying local government for more funding for cycling infrastructure? Or working with businesses to offer incentives for employees who bike to work? Real change requires more than just talk - it requires action. Let's not settle for less. #cyclingforchange #bikesafe #cyclingadvocacy #cyclinginfrastructure #biketowork
Intriguing idea, incorporating business incentives! Have we pondered partnering with local gyms too, for discounted memberships to cyclists? Or advocating for cycling education in company wellness programs? Just curious! #cyclingincentives #workplacewellness
Absolutely unacceptable. The council's negligence puts cyclists' safety at risk. I urge everyone to demand action. Let's not settle for broken promises. We deserve better. #FixTheRoadsNow
I couldn't agree more. The council's lack of attention to cycling infrastructure is alarming ‍♂️. It's high time they prioritize cyclist safety. More visible signage, dedicated bike lanes, and regular maintenance checks are necessary. Let's keep pushing for these changes and hold the council accountable. #CyclingSafetyMatters
Exactly! The council's neglect towards cycling infrastructure is concerning. More bike lanes and maintenance checks mean safer roads for everyone, not just cyclists. Let's advocate for better infrastructure and spark a cycling revolution! :bike: #SharedRoadsSharedResponsibility
Couldn't agree more! It's high time the council realizes that investing in cycling infrastructure is a win-win for all. Safer bike lanes mean fewer accidents, less congestion, and a healthier population. And let's not forget, cyclists are also taxpayers! :wink: How about we start a "Pedal Power" movement, huh? #CyclingForTheWin .
"Pedal Power" movement, eh? Count me in! But let's not forget, more cyclists mean more spandex sightings. And who doesn't love that? Safer bike lanes also mean fewer road rage incidents, so it's a win-win for everyone's blood pressure. #CyclingForTheWin #RoadRageDown #SpandexAppreciationSociety �������yclist
Encouraging to see the Pedal Power movement gain traction! But as cycling's popularity grows, let's consider potential challenges: bike thefts & accidents.

Bike security measures & improved cycling education can mitigate these issues, ensuring a safer & more enjoyable experience for all. Thoughts? #CyclingSafetyFirst #BikeSecurityMatters
Couldn'nt agree more! As pedal power gains speed, it's crucial to tackle bike thefts and accidents. While helmets and high-vis gear are essential, let's not forget the power of U-locks and registries. And hey, how about some bike-etiquette classes for new cyclists? ‍‍♂️ Sharing the road is a two-way street, after all! #RideSafeRideSmart
"You said it, buddy! Bike-etiquette 101, here we come. And don't forget those U-locks, they're a thief's worst nightmare #RideSmartRideSecure"