Cycling Jackets


Jun 6, 2007
I'm in the market for a good cycling jacket. I looked at them and it appears there is a lot of different materials that these come in. Some look like more of a fleece and some are slick rain jackets kind. Which is better? I'm just looking for something that will keep me warm while biking when the temps are in the high 40's or 50's.
For that temperature range, I'd suggest the windbreaker kind. Just keeping the cold wind off the chest will keep one quite warm in a moderate intensity ride. You can still layer a long-sleeve jersey or base layer underneath it if needed for colder/cloudy days.

The ones with insulated linings are going to be on the warm side for that temperature range, IMO.
frenchyge said:
The ones with insulated linings are going to be on the warm side for that temperature range, IMO.
What he said.

I don't even put on a jacket until it gets below 40°F. Above that, I'm wearing a base layer, a longsleeve jersey, & a wind vest. (In fact, depending on which longsleeve jersey I choose, I'll often wear that combination down to 32°F.)

If you must wear a jacket for "high 40's or 50's" I would definitely look at a windbreaker...preferably one with removable sleeves. And a lot of decent venting.
I was sick of the parachute effect of the windbreakers, so I spent a little more and got one of those really thick (thermal) lycra longsleeved jersey with frontal windbreaker properties. I like it a lot. You can find them for $100-400. Now would be a good time to pick one up because of winter clearances. ;)
I recently bought one of these PI jerseys because my Sugoi Jacket was way too hot, but this jersey may be a bit warm for the 50's.
That is exactly the kind of 'jersey' that I was talking about. I really like mine and I bet Felt likes his too. I like it a lot more than my Pearl Izumi Zephrr outer shell and it is quieter too. :)

Felt_Rider said:
I recently bought one of these PI jerseys because my Sugoi Jacket was way too hot, but this jersey may be a bit warm for the 50's.
Bob Ross said:
What he said.

I don't even put on a jacket until it gets below 40°F. Above that, I'm wearing a base layer, a longsleeve jersey, & a wind vest. (In fact, depending on which longsleeve jersey I choose, I'll often wear that combination down to 32°F.)

If you must wear a jacket for "high 40's or 50's" I would definitely look at a windbreaker...preferably one with removable sleeves. And a lot of decent venting.
Yup. For that type of temperature I like to use an insulated, windproof vest and arm warmers. If it is on the cooler side of that spectrum then I would use a heavier, long sleeved jersey under a vest.

A good hat helps a lot. I like to use Alpine Hat made by Outdoor Research and constructed out Gore Windstopper; the sides can be folded down to varying degrees to expose or cover part of or the whole ear.
My problem with convertible jackets is that I like my jackets and vests to fit differently. I like a vest to be close fitting so it is easy to layer, and I like a jacket to have enough room to put layers underneath. The PI Zephyr convertible jacket I have sucks because if you try to use it as a vest it is a very baggy vest. This might be a function of PI clothing being made for fat americans; even as a jacket the stomach area is too baggy even though the shoulders and arms fit reasonably well.
I picked up a Pearl Izumi Zephrr Vest, a nice color of blue.

I like it because it's very lightweight but does a nice job of keeping the wind off my chest. It has a pocket on the back that you can turn the entire vest inside out and it folds up onto itself for storage in my jersey pocket.

I usually care it and a pair of arm warmers. I've noticed my arms don't get as cold as my chest, so I usually don't wear the arm warmers unless it's much cooler.

Like others have said, I also will wear layers if it's that cold, I have a couple of long sleeve base layers that will fit into my rear jersey pockets if I get too hot while on the road.

I would suggest a vest and arm warmers over a jacket anyday.

Good luck!