Danny-boy flails some more! (was: Advice on a good hardtail.)



"Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<YL%[email protected]>...
> "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > > > Which ones were those?
> > >
> > > Canondales, Specialized, Diamond Back

> >
> > What models?

> Mostly X-country ( 3 inch travel models)

So, comparing all these different bikes, ones with completely
different design purposes, really doesn't give you much of a broad
base for discussing free-ride bikes. Got it.

But I like the lame-ass barbs you try and stick onto the ends - they
really make you look smart. LOL.

> > >Santa Cruz Blur, Intense Spyder.

> >
> > I didn't know these were long-travel free-ride style bikes. Hmmm.

> Most bikes I have ridden are 3 inch travel or less

So, you really don't have a broad base of comparison. I see.

> that you have sufficient bike action input on rides to become aware
> of this flex

There's motion in the rear of the bike. A bending moment that can be
felt on the trail, that disrupts the bikes handling.

> and how could you distinguish such a frame behvior from all
> the other possibilities which could cause a bike to ride or corner in
> specific ways---bad tires being one example

If two bikes have the same tires, then the tires should act the same,
given approximately identical loads and pressures. That one's out, as
I already explained.

> poorly set up shocks for a
> specific frame, as another

Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid, specifically, and since
the manual states exactly how to set it up for rider weight and
desired travel characteristics, this one is just an exercise in
straw-clutching. You have yet to explain how this effects the plane
of motion from side-to-side.

> I'm sure several other possibilities could be
> considered as well.

Indeed. Mostly, it seems that what we have here is one person, with a
broad background in twisty, challenging singletrack, demoing a bunch
of different free-ride bikes, vs. some flatlander know-it-all who
tested one or two different bikes, and now thinks he's some sort of

I can live with that comparison.

> And after you have shown repeatedly that you have almost
> no awareness of whether you are riding a rockshox or a Manitou

Bzzzt. I knew exactly what I was riding. Just because it wasn't the
very same model as what you rode makes very little difference. Just
because *you* claim some world of difference doesn't mean anything.
Hell, your claims are frequently and hilariously debunked here.

> It also seems you have forgotten that the Liquid has huge
> leverage in its rocker arm

Ooops, looks like you have a reading comprehension problem. LOL.
Talk about not being able to keep things straight...

> Mating a shock to this that can be perfectly adjusted to your weight
> and riding style--and "is" perfectly adjusted, might be a better first step
> in looking for problems.

The plane of motion that we are discussing has nothing to do with how
the shock is performing. It could be completely locked out, and there
would still be the same forces acting on the carbon stays and rocker
arms. (More or less - the point at which the tires are on the dirt in
the corner is where it moves laterally.)

> What have you said so far that would indicate that
> you had your rear shocks stet perfectly for you on the Liquid you rode?

They don't need to be set up "perfectly." They need to be set up
"close enough." If a bike doesn't operate well in "close enough",
then it's **** and you need to find a better bike. Funny, the
Specialized, Giant and Marin bikes worked just fine. Don't you find
it odd that one bike was so poorly set up that it acted like ****, but
the others were set up well enough to act great? Was that just purely
by chance? As in every other claim you make, you destroy your
crediblity by even suggesting it.

> And,
> how do you know that the Manitou 3 way SPV might just do a much better job
> of adjusting perfectly to your weight and riding style than the Rockshock?

The adjustable-travel shock is a Fox TALAS R. What were you saying
about not being able to keep stuff straight, again? LOL. (The fork
was Rock Sux.)

If it needs to be perfect to ride acceptably, that's a serious
indictment of the bike. Period.

[snip hilarious flailing]

Danny, I set up the shock, according to what Trek said in the manual
(it could have been the Fox manual - either way, it was for that
shock, and that bike.)

You're trying to say now that somehow, the SPV shock transforms this
shitty-ass flexy POS into a hardtail? Jeez - you accuse *me* of drug
use? LMAO.

> > Trek Liquid. That's the bike, right? Whether it's a 25 or a 30,
> > you're just being dumb (redundancy, I know, I know...)

> The big leverage in the rocker arm, exagerates the importance of the
> correctly mated shock system

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! If the rocker arm transmits force from anywhere, it
should ONLY be in a vertical plane. The only difference, throughout
the entire range of travel, is that the lateral forces become largest
at the point where the rear hub is furthest toward the rear. In a
well-designed bike, there should be very, very little lateral movement
at any point in the travel, even if the shock was just a plain,
vanilla coil shock. It might be boingy, spongy, and ill-suited toward
your riding style, but the pivots, rockers shock and stays should not
flex laterally.

> On the Liquid 25 and 50, where the travel stays 5
> inches

If you had been reading along with the rest of the class, you would
have remembered that I fixed the travel at 5 inches, due to lack of
sufficient ride height in the 3 and 4 inch settings.

> > > Flexy, fiddly travel
> > > > > > adjust that wasn't worth anything - not confidence inspiring.
> > >
> > > Which does not exist on a 25. Check the website.

> >
> > Which makes exactly what difference in how flexy the bike is? You
> > still haven't manged to explain that...

> You have no idea that flex in the frame is occuring.

None of your hypotheses (except the tires) can be the cause, so we are
left with tires and frame. Since the tires are out (same tires on
Fuel 90, no apparent flex), that leaves the frame.

Hmmm, and lets see - Liquids have this funky seatstay design - the
stays are carbon. And are meant to flex. Gosh, these stays might not
only flex in one axis, but also another (they are tubular, after all.)
Naw, that can't be it - it's got to be some telescoping air-filled
concentric metal cylinders that are causing all this flex. Yeah,

> You can't look down and
> see the chain stays bending

Those aluminum stays better not be bending...

> this is just
> your guess about what is wrong with your riding experience. And it sounds
> like a pretty lazy guess.

LOL. More irony from someone who obviously knows not one damn thing
about anything he says.

> > Hmmm, maybe you don't know everything about how every LBS specs,
> > loans, test-rides, or prices their bikes, huh?

> Trek dealers are not supposed to be so incompetent that they can not
> assemble bikes properly.

Unless, of course, the bikes come with a certain component spec from
the factory. One ordered specifically, or maybe there was a mid-year
spec change, or...

Fact is, Danny, you have no idea WHY the bikes got specced this way,
and pretending it's incompetance means that you're just casting about
for some lifeline to save you ass.

Too bad you're not man enough to admit that you don't really know what
the answer is.

> If you call Trek, they will tell you what you saw
> is wrong. You need to find more competent bike shops.

Funny thing about that - they have told me that some bikes get
different forks because they have similar price points. I'm sure you
could call them and hear the same thing.

But you won't.

> > No ****. It was a 30. I know you think you're making a point, so I'm
> > gonna leave it at "yeah, the 25 and 30 are completely different bikes
> > - so different they feel like they were made by different
> > manufacturers."
> >
> > LMAO.

> The 25 and 50 are part of a lineup where each is supposed to have full time
> plush ( 5 inch potential travel), with SPV to prevent use of the full 5
> inches when its not needed.

Like when you're pedalling? Ooops, except I wasn't pedalling, I was
going down the hill. The shocks are supposed to act completely
differently in that mode? Explain that, Dan. You keep speaking in
general, marketing, terms. Be specific and technical, so that
everyone will know that you know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

> The 10 and 30 are a whole different
> philosophy----changeable travel.

And this makes the same bike so drastically different on the downhill
(using the same travel setting as the SPV-equipped frame) that they
act like totally different bikes? Be detailed in your technical

> You can say the 25 is similar to the 50.
> You can say the 10 is similar to the 30. That's it.

And they all use the very same frame. Ooops, different paint. Ah-HA
- it's the *paint* that makes all the difference! Black paint is
flexier! No wonder red bikes are faster!

> As it is, you are
> deserving the title of the "worst Reviewer" of bikes or parts I have ever
> heard of.

Since you are wrong so often, this is actually quite a compliment.
Thank you.

> > Exactly what has this to do with the internals filtering low-frequency
> > inputs? What's that, you say? Nothing? Yup, you're right. When
> > you're not pedalling, the bikes have *essentially* the same behavior,
> > assuming the shock is set up correctly.

> We can't begin to assume the shock was set up correctly.

If it was set up according to the manual, then it was set up about as
correctly as it can be without extensive "dialling-in." But it
shouldn't need to be perfect to ride well. It should have a decent
range of "good enough." Just like the Giant, Marin and Specialized.
All set up to factory-recommended specs. No lateral flex in these
bikes. (Not entirely true, but one really has to be looking for it to

As I said before, if it needs to be set up perfectly to ride
acceptably, then the bike is ****.

> Everything you have
> said


Considering the source of this, Dan, you really do make yourself look
like a total tool. Works for me. :)

> > So, one of these shocks, the one that keeps the bike from bobbing when
> > pedalling, somehow does a better job of doing something other than
> > that than the shock that wasn't designed to keep the bike from bobbing
> > when pedalling?

> A bike with a short rocker arm will have less leverage

Both bikes have the same rocker arm length. And both bikes had the
same travel (5 inches.)

Find another theory - your flailing is amusing.

> > You're no mechanical genious, that's for damn sure.

> I think I'd have to be an "Educational Genius" to explain things to you
> properly for your awareness disability ;-)
[email protected] (Jonesy) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<YL%[email protected]>...
> > "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...


> > poorly set up shocks for a
> > specific frame, as another

> Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid, specifically, and since
> the manual states exactly how to set it up for rider weight and
> desired travel characteristics, this one is just an exercise in
> straw-clutching. You have yet to explain how this effects the plane
> of motion from side-to-side.


Who gave you the "Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid" quote?

[email protected] (Reco Diver) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> [email protected] (Jonesy) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid, specifically, [...]

> <snip>
> Who gave you the "Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid" quote?

Ooops. My mistake - the Liquid was *supposedly* designed to utilize
the TALAS R. I read this in an extended ad, errrr, mountain bike rag
review article.

IIRC, this was before the SPV was introduced on the other Liquid

Of course, I can't find the review article.

I guess I'll have to eat that factoid. :)
Jonesy "crow - it's what's for breakfast"
[email protected] (Jonesy) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> [email protected] (Reco Diver) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> > [email protected] (Jonesy) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> >
> > > Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid, specifically, [...]

> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > Who gave you the "Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid" quote?

> Ooops. My mistake - the Liquid was *supposedly* designed to utilize
> the TALAS R. I read this in an extended ad, errrr, mountain bike rag
> review article.
> IIRC, this was before the SPV was introduced on the other Liquid
> designs.
> Of course, I can't find the review article.
> I guess I'll have to eat that factoid. :)

I thought you had it switched around, Fox usually credits co-design
stuff. Well then again... I had to return home to Central California
to do some family hospice. Anyway,I was at the Wooden Nickle (decent
place for eats near Airport and Freedom in Watsonhood). picking up
lunch. I run into a guy I know from Special'ed and we started talking
about "fox inertial valving." New technology ... a brand new thing. So
being the typical nit picking @ss that I am I let go with:

"Come on SHOWA worked on that for motorcycles starting in the late
70's, 'SHOWA anti-dive technology'"

Followed up by:

"Didn't Fox work on some co-op project with SHOWA in the motocross
days of the 80's? ... There's nothing new about the technology other
than it was made smaller ..."

About that time the table behind us cleared. Yep Fox is only two stop
lights away down Airport. Seems like lots of folks go to lunch at the
Nickle, even the guys from Fox.


Smile when you say "Dumb @ss"
"Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message

news:<YL%[email protected]>...
> > "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >
> > > > > Which ones were those?
> > > >
> > > > Canondales, Specialized, Diamond Back
> > >
> > > What models?

> >
> > Mostly X-country ( 3 inch travel models)

> So, comparing all these different bikes, ones with completely
> different design purposes, really doesn't give you much of a broad
> base for discussing free-ride bikes. Got it.

I never said I did. The discussion I was having with a person about
hardtails and FS, was about typical mountain biking--not Freeriding
specifically as you now suggest.

> But I like the lame-ass barbs you try and stick onto the ends - they
> really make you look smart. LOL.
> > > >Santa Cruz Blur, Intense Spyder.
> > >
> > > I didn't know these were long-travel free-ride style bikes. Hmmm.

> >
> > Most bikes I have ridden are 3 inch travel or less

> So, you really don't have a broad base of comparison. I see.

You got me Jonesey. I'm "not" a professional mountain bike reviewer, I have
"not" ridden every single mountain bike there is, and I've only been
participating on AMB for a few months now. While I did start mountain
biking back in the 80's ( in Western NY) , this certainly can not compare to
a guy like you who has become a posting legend on AMB..

> > that you have sufficient bike action input on rides to become aware
> > of this flex

> There's motion in the rear of the bike. A bending moment that can be
> felt on the trail, that disrupts the bikes handling.

You still have not explained how you could possibly know it is bending which
is taking place, as opposed to tires skipping from poor rear shock set
up--exagerated by the long rocker arm.

> > poorly set up shocks for a
> > specific frame, as another

> Since the TALAS R was designed for the Liquid, specifically, and since
> the manual states exactly how to set it up for rider weight and
> desired travel characteristics, this one is just an exercise in
> straw-clutching. You have yet to explain how this effects the plane
> of motion from side-to-side.
> > I'm sure several other possibilities could be
> > considered as well.

> Indeed. Mostly, it seems that what we have here is one person, with a
> broad background in twisty, challenging singletrack, demoing a bunch
> of different free-ride bikes, vs. some flatlander know-it-all who
> tested one or two different bikes, and now thinks he's some sort of
> expert.

With your broad, expansive background in twisty, challenging singletrack,
and your experience with such a wide variety of Freeride bikes, All Mountain
Bikes, X-country bikes, etc., its actually very kind of you to converse with
those of us not so fortunate. I guess I should thank you.

While I don't have the same high opinion of my bike knowledge that you do of
yours, I would like to point out that most of my first decade of riding was
in Western NY, and even after I moved to Florida, I travel to North Carolina
frequently. And I have ridden closer to a dozen different bikes, not the 2
or 3 you attribute to me---of course no comparison to you, but enough to
justify my having "some opinions".

> I can live with that comparison.
> > And after you have shown repeatedly that you have almost
> > no awareness of whether you are riding a rockshox or a Manitou

> Bzzzt. I knew exactly what I was riding. Just because it wasn't the
> very same model as what you rode makes very little difference. Just
> because *you* claim some world of difference doesn't mean anything.
> Hell, your claims are frequently and hilariously debunked here.

So far most of the hilarity has been in your attempted debunking, where you
were clearly backstroking after you made some claims you now know are pretty
ridiculous---such as your saying that a Trek dealer can assemble a Liquid 25
with any spec it wants--and not just the spec Trek has for that bike, on
its site. I'm sure a lot of people reading this thread laughed pretty hard
after they read that.

> > It also seems you have forgotten that the Liquid has huge
> > leverage in its rocker arm

> The plane of motion that we are discussing has nothing to do with how
> the shock is performing. It could be completely locked out, and there
> would still be the same forces acting on the carbon stays and rocker
> arms. (More or less - the point at which the tires are on the dirt in
> the corner is where it moves laterally.)

I disagree.. In a high speed turn, there are vertical forces from bumps on
the trail, and there are lateral forces. It seems your contention is that
only lateral forces are working on the bike, to make the bike track well
through the turn. My contention is that unless you are cornering with slick
tires on glassy smooth blacktop, the irregular surface of the trail will be
acting to throw the tire ( and bike) up and down, and that as each of these
vertical hits occurs, as the tire bounces up, the tire can skid laterally.
This is true on downhills, on flats, and on climbs. If the shock, rocker arm
and basic rear suspension concept of the bike is working for the rider, the
vertical forces should be minimized to the point that lateral forces do not
suddenly succeed to break the tire free and slide it sideways. If the rear
end is "not" working properly for the rider, the tire can bounce up and down
in reaction to the irregularities on the trail, and with sufficient up
forces, it can loose traction and then skid laterally in a turn. Its not
about lock-out or the SPV alternative , its about how well the shock does at
smoothing out the bumps to keep traction. Having the right pressure for the
Manitou 3 Way rear shock ( for the rider), both in main spriing and in
preload, is necessary for this. Since you have not ridden the Liquid with
this shock, you don't really know how different it would be in mating to the
rocker arm and rear end of the Liquid, than the shock in the bike you did
ride. And since you did not even know what you were riding, I don't think
your comments here do justice to the high level of expectations, most AMB
readers must have of you .

> > What have you said so far that would indicate that
> > you had your rear shocks stet perfectly for you on the Liquid you rode?

> They don't need to be set up "perfectly." They need to be set up
> "close enough." If a bike doesn't operate well in "close enough",
> then it's **** and you need to find a better bike. Funny, the
> Specialized, Giant and Marin bikes worked just fine.

What would lead us to believe the bikes you rode were even set up "for you"
Maybe the last person the Liquid was "set up for" was at a drastically
different weight and riding style than you.???
Maybe the Specialized, Giant and Marin bikes were last ridden by someone to
too far from your legendary abilities or body weight ?

Don't you find
> it odd that one bike was so poorly set up that it acted like ****, but
> the others were set up well enough to act great? Was that just purely
> by chance? As in every other claim you make, you destroy your
> crediblity by even suggesting it.
> > And,
> > how do you know that the Manitou 3 way SPV might just do a much better

> > of adjusting perfectly to your weight and riding style than the

> The adjustable-travel shock is a Fox TALAS R. What were you saying
> about not being able to keep stuff straight, again? LOL. (The fork
> was Rock Sux.)
> If it needs to be perfect to ride acceptably, that's a serious
> indictment of the bike. Period.
> [snip hilarious flailing]
> Danny, I set up the shock, according to what Trek said in the manual
> (it could have been the Fox manual - either way, it was for that
> shock, and that bike.)

Maybe it was a Giant Manual you were reading--or maybe it was the manual for
your car---what's the differnence ?


> >
> > The big leverage in the rocker arm, exagerates the importance of the
> > correctly mated shock system

> BWAHAHAHAHAHA! If the rocker arm transmits force from anywhere, it
> should ONLY be in a vertical plane. The only difference, throughout
> the entire range of travel, is that the lateral forces become largest
> at the point where the rear hub is furthest toward the rear. In a
> well-designed bike, there should be very, very little lateral movement
> at any point in the travel, even if the shock was just a plain,
> vanilla coil shock. It might be boingy, spongy, and ill-suited toward
> your riding style, but the pivots, rockers shock and stays should not
> flex laterally.

You still have not shown a shred of evidence that any lateral flex or
movement occurs. Everything you attribute to latteral flex seems more likely
to be vertical hit induced lateral skidding--from poorly set up back end.

> > > Hmmm, maybe you don't know everything about how every LBS specs,
> > > loans, test-rides, or prices their bikes, huh?

> >
> >
> > Trek dealers are not supposed to be so incompetent that they can not
> > assemble bikes properly.

> Unless, of course, the bikes come with a certain component spec from
> the factory. One ordered specifically, or maybe there was a mid-year
> spec change, or...

So you really are a backstroker....You have to know how hilarious it is for
you to pretend that a dealer can assemble any components they want on a bike
and still call it a Liquid 25. I guess I'll have to thank you again for
making me look good in this discussion :)

> Fact is, Danny, you have no idea WHY the bikes got specced this way,
> and pretending it's incompetance means that you're just casting about
> for some lifeline to save you ass.

That's not what our local Trek rep says about this :)
Give me the name of the bike shop, and lets see what Trek will have to say
to them....

> Too bad you're not man enough to admit that you don't really know what
> the answer is.
> > If you call Trek, they will tell you what you saw
> > is wrong. You need to find more competent bike shops.

> Funny thing about that - they have told me that some bikes get
> different forks because they have similar price points. I'm sure you
> could call them and hear the same thing.
> But you won't.

A local Trek Rep is close enough. Alot more than you did--but then, you
prefer backstroking to eating crow :)

> > > No ****. It was a 30. I know you think you're making a point, so I'm
> > > gonna leave it at "yeah, the 25 and 30 are completely different bikes
> > > - so different they feel like they were made by different
> > > manufacturers."
> > >
> > > LMAO.

> >
> > The 25 and 50 are part of a lineup where each is supposed to have full

> > plush ( 5 inch potential travel), with SPV to prevent use of the full 5
> > inches when its not needed.

> Like when you're pedalling? Ooops, except I wasn't pedalling, I was
> going down the hill. The shocks are supposed to act completely
> differently in that mode? Explain that, Dan. You keep speaking in
> general, marketing, terms. Be specific and technical, so that
> everyone will know that you know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

All shocks are not equal in their ability to work with a given rocker arm
and rear end. Some shocks will be easier to set up properly than others.
The only way to be specific, would be to have you at a real demo, where the
bikes could be set up optimally.

> > The 10 and 30 are a whole different
> > philosophy----changeable travel.

> And this makes the same bike so drastically different on the downhill
"Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> news:<YL%[email protected]>...

> > > Mostly X-country ( 3 inch travel models)

> >
> > So, comparing all these different bikes, ones with completely
> > different design purposes, really doesn't give you much of a broad
> > base for discussing free-ride bikes. Got it.

> I never said I did.

And yet you are claiming to have knowledge on bike handling esoterica,
based on no real experience. Wow.

And since you bought a free-ride style bike, that somehow translates
into full knowledge on all bikes? Wow, again.

> > > Most bikes I have ridden are 3 inch travel or less

> >
> > So, you really don't have a broad base of comparison. I see.

> I'm "not" a professional mountain bike reviewer

Neither am I, nor do I claim to be. I only report my *experience,*
nothing more. You seem to be taking issue, like you actually know
something about the subject. But you haven't ridden the bikes, didn't
make the side-by-side comparisons I did, and yet somehow you know it's
all bunk.

Uhh, yeah. Now tell me a story about those killer hills and
"technical" trails in the mountains of FL.

> >
> > > that you have sufficient bike action input on rides to become aware
> > > of this flex

> >
> > There's motion in the rear of the bike. A bending moment that can be
> > felt on the trail, that disrupts the bikes handling.

> You still have not explained how you could possibly know it is bending which
> is taking place

Simple. It's lateral motion not felt with bikes of the same purpose,
nor on bikes with similar wheelsets. All bikes were set up according
to factory specs/recommendations for a person of my weight/riding

> as opposed to tires skipping from poor rear shock set
> up--exagerated by the long rocker arm.

If the bike was designed to take that shock, and the shock was set-up
according to factory recommendations, then how is this possible?
Let's go with something more plausible - the carbon seatstays are not
limited to one axis in their flexibility.

> > Mostly, it seems that what we have here is one person, with a
> > broad background in twisty, challenging singletrack, demoing a bunch
> > of different free-ride bikes, vs. some flatlander know-it-all who
> > tested one or two different bikes, and now thinks he's some sort of
> > expert.


Unlike you, Danny, I'm just relating what I felt and how I came about
my conclusions. Your weak theory of "poor set-up" has been discarded
due to it's implausibility.

> While I don't have the same high opinion of my bike knowledge that you do of
> yours

BWAHAHA! "Technical", etc. You are flogging yourself mercilessly
trying to establish credibility in this thread alone! Who are you
trying to kid, here?


You didn't ride but one free-ride style bike (according to your list)
and yet you seem to be able to tell a guy who *did* ride a number of
them everything about why you'd only recommend the one you just
happened to get. Uh-huh. Just like how no bike shops let their bikes
out for demo rides. Uh-huh.

Keep digging.

> > I can live with that comparison.
> >
> > > And after you have shown repeatedly that you have almost
> > > no awareness of whether you are riding a rockshox or a Manitou

> >
> > Bzzzt. I knew exactly what I was riding. Just because it wasn't the
> > very same model as what you rode makes very little difference. Just
> > because *you* claim some world of difference doesn't mean anything.
> > Hell, your claims are frequently and hilariously debunked here.

> So far most of the hilarity has been in your attempted debunking, where you
> were clearly backstroking after you made some claims you now know are pretty
> ridiculous---such as your saying that a Trek dealer can assemble a Liquid 25
> with any spec it wants

An obviously lie. Look up that quote. Good luck.

> > The plane of motion that we are discussing has nothing to do with how
> > the shock is performing. It could be completely locked out, and there
> > would still be the same forces acting on the carbon stays and rocker
> > arms. (More or less - the point at which the tires are on the dirt in
> > the corner is where it moves laterally.)

> I disagree.. In a high speed turn, there are vertical forces from bumps on
> the trail, and there are lateral forces.

Have you *seen* the trail I was riding? No? Then you have no idea
what bumps were in the trail. Frankly, your casting about for some
sort of hook to hang your hat on is pathetic, but let's just say that
the shock worked OK, that the sag was set properly, and that the
rebound was set such that it wasn't too slow.

> It seems your contention is that
> only lateral forces are working on the bike

You seem to not be able to read. Try again...

> My contention is that unless you are cornering with slick
> tires on glassy smooth blacktop, the irregular surface of the trail will be
> acting to throw the tire ( and bike) up and down

Again, you didn't see the trail, so (as usual for you) you have no
clue. Let's just say that the trail at the points where I felt rear
flex was pretty smooth, and that my weight shift from braking caused
more suspension action than the trail could have.

In the same corners, with the other free-ride style bikes, there was
very little lateral movement. Odd, huh?

> and that as each of these
> vertical hits occurs, as the tire bounces up, the tire can skid laterally.

If that would have happened, I'd have known it. But it didn't. Look,
dufus, I ride a softtail as my main bike. It's bump response is
similar to my beater hardtail. Better, but nothing like an FS rig.
On bumpy turns, I don't stutter-skid, evn though bump compliance is
close to zero. And yet these bikes don't flex laterally either.
Weird, huh?

[snip an attempt to lecture in FS 101]

Get over yourself Danny - you look like an idiot banging away at this
stupid theory that doesn't hold any water to begin with.

> Its not
> about lock-out or the SPV alternative , its about how well the shock does at
> smoothing out the bumps to keep traction

Finally we agree. The SPV has nothing to do with non-pedalling
forces, so all that remains is shock set-up.

> Having the right pressure for the
> Manitou 3 Way rear shock ( for the rider), both in main spriing and in
> preload, is necessary for this.

And when you set the sag, according to manufacturer's recommendation,
you are setting the shock to operate according to your weight.
Anybody with a shock pump can do this. I have a shock pump, and a
ruler. Maybe I could set up the shock, huh?

> Since you have not ridden the Liquid with
> this shock, you don't really know how different it would be in mating to the
> rocker arm and rear end of the Liquid, than the shock in the bike you did
> ride

It doesn't make any sense that a change in shock would make such a
vast difference in handling on the same frame. In pedalling, sure.
If it has to be perfect in order to ride properly, then the design
sucks eggs.

> > They don't need to be set up "perfectly." They need to be set up
> > "close enough." If a bike doesn't operate well in "close enough",
> > then it's **** and you need to find a better bike. Funny, the
> > Specialized, Giant and Marin bikes worked just fine.

> What would lead us to believe the bikes you rode were even set up "for you"

Is it so tough for you to understand written English? Maybe that's
why most folks think you're a total fool.

> Maybe the last person the Liquid was "set up for" was at a drastically
> different weight and riding style than you.???

Who says it was at the settings from the last person?

> Maybe the Specialized, Giant and Marin bikes were last ridden by someone ...

Who says they had settings remaining from the last person?

> > Don't you find
> > it odd that one bike was so poorly set up that it acted like ****, but
> > the others were set up well enough to act great? Was that just purely
> > by chance? As in every other claim you make, you destroy your
> > crediblity by even suggesting it.

I knew you wouldn't be able to hack this one.

> > Danny, I set up the shock, according to what Trek said in the manual
> > (it could have been the Fox manual - either way, it was for that
> > shock, and that bike.)

> Maybe it was a Giant Manual you were reading--or maybe it was the manual for
> your car---what's the differnence ?

How would I have the Giant manual when I was riding the Liquid? When
it comes right down to it, Danny, I blow all of your straw-clutching
arguments right out of the water.

> > but the pivots, rockers shock and stays should not
> > flex laterally.

> You still have not shown a shred of evidence that any lateral flex or
> movement occurs.

Sure I have. Just because you can't begin to recognize what
*observation* is all about doesn't mean the Liquid isn't a flexy POS.
Of course, you bought it, so it *must* be good.

> Everything you attribute to latteral flex seems more likely
> to be vertical hit induced lateral skidding--from poorly set up back end.

Since you haven't seen the trail, and haven't ridden the range of
bikes that I did for this specific test, it seems unlikely that you
can competently diagnose the issue. But that's you, in a single

> > > Trek dealers are not supposed to be so incompetent that they can not
> > > assemble bikes properly.

> >
> > Unless, of course, the bikes come with a certain component spec from
> > the factory. One ordered specifically, or maybe there was a mid-year
> > spec change, or...

> So you really are a backstroker....You have to know how hilarious it is for
> you to pretend that a dealer can assemble any components they want on a bike
> and still call it a Liquid 25.

Where did I say "any components they want?" You're just making that

> > Fact is, Danny, you have no idea WHY the bikes got specced this way,
> > and pretending it's incompetance means that you're just casting about
> > for some lifeline to save you ass.

> That's not what our local Trek rep says about this :)

What's his name and phone number?

> > Too bad you're not man enough to admit that you don't really know what
> > the answer is.

I knew you'd pass this one by too...

> > Funny thing about that - they have told me that some bikes get
> > different forks because they have similar price points. I'm sure you
> > could call them and hear the same thing.
> >
> > But you won't.
> >

> A local Trek Rep is close enough.

Give me his name and number. I'll call him and talk to him

> > Like when you're pedalling? Ooops, except I wasn't pedalling, I was
> > going down the hill. The shocks are supposed to act completely
> > differently in that mode? Explain that, Dan. You keep speaking in
> > general, marketing, terms. Be specific and technical, so that
> > everyone will know that you know EXACTLY what you are talking about.

> All shocks are not equal in their ability to work with a given rocker arm
> and rear end.
"Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

> And since you bought a free-ride style bike, that somehow translates
> into full knowledge on all bikes? Wow, again.

I swear you must be on drugs. Where did I ever say I was riding free ride
bikes? Oh, and the Liquid 25 is not a free ride bike, its an "All Mountain"
bike. One of these days you'll get in a discussion and be able to remember
what you are talking about...I hope.



> > While I don't have the same high opinion of my bike knowledge that you

do of
> > yours

> BWAHAHA! "Technical", etc. You are flogging yourself mercilessly
> trying to establish credibility in this thread alone! Who are you
> trying to kid, here?
> [snip]

Newsflash....I was being sarcastic. Apparently you have such a high opinion
of yourself, you missed the sarcasm--pretty sad.

Jonesy, have someone help you with the reading part before you answer me
next time, and then maybe you will sound better.

Dan V
Dan V says:

> its an "All Mountain"

WTF is an "All Mountain" bike. Honestly, I'm just curious here. Is it
something different from the "traditional" mountain bike, that could basically
do a bit of everything? Or is this some marketing ploy to make sur you own
each of DH, FR, XC, AM, and UC (That's Urban Chic, BTW)

Enough with the acronyms and re-naming - it's a feckin' mountain bike!

Steve "tough day - last kid graduated from high school, 7 hours driving, etc."
>Subject: Re: Danny-boy flails some more! (was: Advice on a good hardtail.)
>From: [email protected]ospam (Stephen Baker)
>Date: 6/5/2004 9:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time
>Message-id: <[email protected]>
>Dan V says:
>> its an "All Mountain"

>WTF is an "All Mountain" bike. Honestly, I'm just curious here. Is it
>something different from the "traditional" mountain bike, that could
>do a bit of everything? Or is this some marketing ploy to make sur you own
>each of DH, FR, XC, AM, and UC (That's Urban Chic, BTW)
>Enough with the acronyms and re-naming - it's a feckin' mountain bike!
>Steve "tough day - last kid graduated from high school, 7 hours driving,

Seems like the "All Mountain" bike is meant to be a bike with long enough
suspension travel to do some light free riding but is light and nimble enough
for epic or all day rides.
Scottieski says:

>Seems like the "All Mountain" bike is meant to be a bike with long enough
>suspension travel to do some light free riding but is light and nimble enough
>for epic or all day rides.

Like what I said - it's a frikkin' mountain bike.

"Stephen Baker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dan V says:
> > its an "All Mountain"
> >bike.

> WTF is an "All Mountain" bike. Honestly, I'm just curious here. Is it
> something different from the "traditional" mountain bike, that could

> do a bit of everything? Or is this some marketing ploy to make sur you

> each of DH, FR, XC, AM, and UC (That's Urban Chic, BTW)
> Enough with the acronyms and re-naming - it's a feckin' mountain bike!
> Steve "tough day - last kid graduated from high school, 7 hours driving,


Trek uses it to mean the bike is a little heavier than a X-country bike,
with more travel. Sort of like a bike to be ridden on trails, but you can do
some light downhill on it, or light freeride. If you were looking at bike
rags, like MB Action or others, they use this terminology as well.
Since I am over 200 pounds, I did not want a X-country bike that was
designed for a 150 pound rider, and would fall apart on me if I did 3 foot
drops....But I did not want a dedicated freeride bike. I can see riding some
of the downhill bikes to do what I like, but the compromise I ended up with
is working the way I planned ( the Liquid 25).

Dan V
Dan V says:

>Trek uses it to mean the bike is a little heavier than a X-country bike,
>with more travel. Sort of like a bike to be ridden on trails, but you can do
>some light downhill on it, or light freeride. If you were looking at bike
>rags, like MB Action or others, they use this terminology as well.

<Steve shakes head in wonder at the stupidity of his fellow man>
"Stephen Baker" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dan V says:
> >Trek uses it to mean the bike is a little heavier than a X-country bike,
> >with more travel. Sort of like a bike to be ridden on trails, but you can

> >some light downhill on it, or light freeride. If you were looking at bike
> >rags, like MB Action or others, they use this terminology as well.

> <Steve shakes head in wonder at the stupidity of his fellow man>

Marketing trends make up most of our choices. It seems in X-country bikes,
the marketing trend is to make each new bike as light as possible.
I don't want this--I'd rather have a sturdier bike, something that can take
some bigger impacts, and I really don't need to lighten up a bike just to
make it a few seconds faster on a trail---I'd rather have a bike that can
take the abuse better, and so what if I have to work a little harder on
climbs and accelerating out of turns. So to me, the X-country "category"
was not what I was looking for. All mountain bikes would seem to be more
like the ruggedness of the normal mountain bikes 15 years ago.

Dan V
Dan V says:

>Marketing trends make up most of our choices.

Tell me about it. I used to ride a mo'bike, winter, summer and all inbetweens.
It was used to be called a "UJM" (Universal Japanese Motorcycle), which menas
it was not a race-replica crotch rocket, or a Harley wannabee, or a dirt bike,
or a full-dress tourer - it was just a motorcycle, in much the same way as a
"mountain-bike" used to be usable for most things.
Then the specialisation started, and I honestly cannot find a good commuter
bike that fits the bill anymore. Now, if I could find a wife that still didn't
mind me riding one in the winter, that could be a problem ;-)

Steve "may all our problems be that small"
"Bob Rogers" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> JD's ***** has spoken. Gay marriage is alive and well.

The internet is full of strange folks with odd turn-ons. You, for
example. How you get so aroused by the thought of me and JD together
is baffling, but mildly amusing.

If that mental image isn't good enough, I found a picture of your mom:


Benjamin Spanklin (Scooterski) says s/he really has an authoritative
"Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> > And since you bought a free-ride style bike, that somehow translates
> > into full knowledge on all bikes? Wow, again.

> I swear you must be on drugs. Where did I ever say I was riding free ride
> bikes? Oh, and the Liquid 25 is not a free ride bike, its an "All Mountain"
> bike.

Ahh, another idiot who's fallen for marketing hype. Hmmm, a 5" travel
bike, in the 30-35lb range, sort of inbetween XC and DH.

Yup, free-ride *sytle*. Call it whatever you like - it's not directly
comparable to the XC bikes you rode, period.

> > > While I don't have the same high opinion of my bike knowledge that you

> do of
> > > yours

> >
> > BWAHAHA! "Technical", etc. You are flogging yourself mercilessly
> > trying to establish credibility in this thread alone! Who are you
> > trying to kid, here?
> >
> > [snip]

> Newsflash....I was being sarcastic.

Uhh, ********. This whole thread has been about you beating your
chest over why your purchase was justified by all your "experience."
But I do notice that you didn't give me your Trek guy's name and
number. Pretty chickenshit move there, Danny-boy.

> Apparently you have such a high opinion
> of yourself, you missed the sarcasm--pretty sad.

If you think that somehow you can change history by claiming something
that's not true, that's fine. *I'm* buying it...

> Jonesy, have someone help you with the reading part before you answer me
> next time, and then maybe you will sound better.

LOL - irony. And a classic capitulation. No real info, and when
verbally spanked into submission, just crawls away. LOL. A classic
tool. Must feel great to have Booby Rogers come to your defense.
"Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message

news:<[email protected]>...
> > "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> >
> >
> > >
> > > And since you bought a free-ride style bike, that somehow translates
> > > into full knowledge on all bikes? Wow, again.

> >
> > I swear you must be on drugs. Where did I ever say I was riding free

> > bikes? Oh, and the Liquid 25 is not a free ride bike, its an "All

> > bike.

> Ahh, another idiot who's fallen for marketing hype. Hmmm, a 5" travel
> bike, in the 30-35lb range, sort of inbetween XC and DH.

Versus the idiot who has fallen for the "lighter is better" hype, along with
the "lure" of less mental involvement required when using a SS
bike---imagine the horor of having to think about shifting!!!! But after
reading many of your posts, I think you are probably better off reducing the
requirement to think about shifting while riding....

When I started riding in Western NY, back in the 80's, my rigid bikes
weighed closer to 37 pounds, and at the time, we thought this was pretty
light. And these bikes were tough! Why would I want a 22 pound mountain

> Yup, free-ride *sytle*. Call it whatever you like - it's not directly
> comparable to the XC bikes you rode, period.
> > > > While I don't have the same high opinion of my bike knowledge that

> > do of
> > > > yours
> > >
> > > BWAHAHA! "Technical", etc. You are flogging yourself mercilessly
> > > trying to establish credibility in this thread alone! Who are you
> > > trying to kid, here?
> > >
> > > [snip]

> >
> >
> > Newsflash....I was being sarcastic.

> Uhh, ********. This whole thread has been about you beating your
> chest over why your purchase was justified by all your "experience."
> But I do notice that you didn't give me your Trek guy's name and
> number. Pretty chickenshit move there, Danny-boy.

How you have such a high opinion of yourself is amazing--almost as amazing
as you missing the sarcasm.

And it a Trek "girl's" name --the rep is a girl. I will have to talk with
her again before I hand over her number or name on the Internet to a "piece
of work" like yourself.

Dan V
"Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> news:<[email protected]>...

> > > Oh, and the Liquid 25 is not a free ride bike, its an "All

> Mountain"
> > > bike.

> >
> > Ahh, another idiot who's fallen for marketing hype. Hmmm, a 5" travel
> > bike, in the 30-35lb range, sort of inbetween XC and DH.
> >

> Versus the idiot who has fallen for the "lighter is better" hype

You must have me confused with someone else. I've never written that.
If you had any clue at all, you'd already know I prefer durable over

> along with
> the "lure" of less mental involvement required when using a SS
> bike

Oh, now I'll bet you really are gonna feel stupid. I don't have a SS,
and I don't think they're all that great. I *like* gears.

Flail some more, Danny. I love it when you get all ironic like that.

> When I started riding in Western NY, back in the 80's, my rigid bikes
> weighed closer to 37 pounds

Jeez, even my beater Diamondback only weighed about 32. Oh, yeah -
bought in the '80s. Fully rigid, etc...

> > > > BWAHAHA! "Technical", etc. You are flogging yourself mercilessly
> > > > trying to establish credibility in this thread alone! Who are you
> > > > trying to kid, here?
> > > >
> > > > [snip]
> > >
> > >
> > > Newsflash....I was being sarcastic.

> >
> > Uhh, ********. This whole thread has been about you beating your
> > chest over why your purchase was justified by all your "experience."
> > But I do notice that you didn't give me your Trek guy's name and
> > number. Pretty chickenshit move there, Danny-boy.

> almost as amazing
> as you missing the sarcasm.

Oh, I *got* the sarcasm of when you appeared to write some praise of
my knowledge. But that's not what I'm talking about. Grab a clue,

> And it a Trek "girl's" name --the rep is a girl.

Woman, Danny. If they are under the age of puberty, they're girls.

My mistake for ASSuming.

> I will have to talk with
> her again before I hand over her number or name on the Internet to a "piece
> of work" like yourself.

Just e-mail me her Trek e-mail addy. That ought to be good enough.
But you ain't got the guts to hear that I was right, AND wouldn't be
man enough to admit you were wrong, so I won't expect too much.

*You* calling *me* a piece of work is frickin' hilarious, tho'. Keep
'em coming, I need some more laughs.
Jonesy "rfjonesy *at* hotmail *dot* com"
"Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message

news:<[email protected]>...
> > "Jonesy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > "Dan Volker" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> > news:<[email protected]>...

> > > > Oh, and the Liquid 25 is not a free ride bike, its an "All

> > Mountain"
> > > > bike.
> > >
> > > Ahh, another idiot who's fallen for marketing hype. Hmmm, a 5" travel
> > > bike, in the 30-35lb range, sort of inbetween XC and DH.
> > >

> >
> > Versus the idiot who has fallen for the "lighter is better" hype

> You must have me confused with someone else. I've never written that.
> If you had any clue at all, you'd already know I prefer durable over
> light.

This had just gravitated to "marketing hype". Had you been included in an
"idiot category" that I was talking about as a market niche, that would
certainly have been a big bonus. Sorry man, its not always about you. Try to
live with it.

> > along with
> > the "lure" of less mental involvement required when using a SS
> > bike

> Oh, now I'll bet you really are gonna feel stupid. I don't have a SS,
> and I don't think they're all that great. I *like* gears.

Maybe I did make a mistake here...But considering the difficulty you have in
staying focused on what equipment you are riding on, or of having much
awareness of what's going on around you, it would just seem to me that the
simplicity of a SS bike would be perfect for you.


> quick!
> > And it a Trek "girl's" name --the rep is a girl.

> Woman, Danny. If they are under the age of puberty, they're girls.

Newsflash Jonesey--if you are talking about "guys", then "girls" is an
equivalent alternative. Come on, say it...guys and girls....

> My mistake for ASSuming.

Just your mistake for being an ass....

> > I will have to talk with
> > her again before I hand over her number or name on the Internet to a

> > of work" like yourself.

> Just e-mail me her Trek e-mail addy. That ought to be good enough.
> But you ain't got the guts to hear that I was right, AND wouldn't be
> man enough to admit you were wrong, so I won't expect too much.

Next time I go to the LBS, I'll get her card and call her. If she says its
OK, I'll give you her e-mail address. But considering she's pretty cool, and
your pretty much a butt head, I'm not sure that "sicking you on her" is the
right thing for me to do.....

Dan V