Entry level mountain bikes

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. We're almost
> certainly going to go for a Boulder SE, and the best I've seen them for is $385. Our LBS sells
> them for $429.
Make sure it's the 2004 model. 2003 model is 21 speed 2004 model is 24 speed and better components
Damian Harvey wrote:
> Worst thing I've seen is one of those old kindy chairs occy strapped to the rear rack with a belt
> around the middle. The parents should be locked up.

That's pretty crappy, isn't it... I think we can do a *little* better than that. :)
i just bought my girlfriend a TREK 3700 MTB... for the price range -sub 400, I was told by many stores that the Trek was a far more competant road/off road bike than any Giant bike. When I eventually get a chance to ride the damn thing, i'll let u know how the bush bashing goes.
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