Fascinating genetic findings re european heritage.

Jun 6, 2006
The August 2019 issue of National Geographic described genetically derived data which establishes that Europeans are descended from three main prehistoric migrations into Europe. There was one from Central Asia around 6,000 years ago, one from the Middle East around 8,000 years ago, and one from East Africa around 14,500 years ago.

Other research has proven that the people who came here 14,500 years ago from East Africa had black skin, curly black hair, and African facial features. Google "Cheddar Man 2018" and bear in mind that England was connected to Europe via a land bridge called Doggerland which was large and wide and had people living on it.

There are well-known traces of African ancestry in some places in Europe such as Ireland but the latest research proves nearly all Europeans have significant East African DNA. The gene for skin color is not very important and controls only skin color and not much else, so it is possible for a family to lose their darkness without losing all their African DNA, especially in a place where lighter skin would bring better health. Farming was becoming important just as the last two waves of immigration were coming in to Europe and there would have been increasing crowding and less access to fresh, vitamin D-rich foods like wild game and greens.

One source mentioned the average English person had 10% East African DNA, the average Norwegian had around 15%, and the average Belarussian had 30%.

This DNA would not show up as East African on many commercial DNA tests because they only tell you what regions of the globe currently have DNA similar to yours and where it historically came from. The migration from East Africa was definitely prehistoric.
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That's correct. We are all from one race; we are all one race, the human race.

I'd say we're all (mostly) one species. There are definitely different races.

From Wikipedia:
"A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society. The term was first used to refer to speakers of a common language and then to denote national affiliations. By the 17th century the term began to refer to physical (phenotypical) traits. Modern scholarship regards race as a social construct, an identity which is assigned based on rules made by society. While partially based on physical similarities within groups, race does not have an inherent physical or biological meaning."

The people who went to Europe from Asia or the Middle East originated in Africa but they developed different racial characteristics and intermarried with **** Neanderthalensis. They probably left Africa 40-50,000 years ago.

The East Africans who populated the continent between the two ice ages around 14,500 years ago still had black racial characteristics. They probably came more or less straight from Africa to Europe.
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So help me understand what you're saying: is the white race dumber than all the others because we breed with **** Neanderthals?

Actually if you read this: http://web.mit.edu/racescience/in_media/what_dna_says_about_human/index.html You'll discover that according to DNA we have no relationship wih Neanderthals.

They've proven with DNA that all humans came out of Africa and Asia, which means that we're all part black, and all part Asian.
I don't know where you get dumber from. Why assume Neanderthals were dumber? It could be the hybridization was necessary for civilization to take off.

Your article says it's a controversial theory.