Felt better after 10 miles into ride????????


New Member
Jul 28, 2004
I went for a 23 mile ride last night and (halfway through it) felt AWESOME. I guess it was a second wind? My legs felt strong, body felt good. I felt like I could ride all night. This ever happened to you guys/gals? Any clinical definition to it?
That happens to me all the time. It seems like I have to get several miles into my ride before I get my groove and then I'm ready to ride forever. I mean I go through burning legs, breathing hard, dry mouth, etc. and then somewhere in there it seems like I break through some kind of barrier and I'm all good.
That is what happeneds to me also, usually after 5 miles I feel refreshed and warmed up, this is when I get off and strech because I've always just figured my muscles were warmed up now.
I feel like **** (relatively - in the saddle) for the first 10 miles. Afterwards, I get my pacing right and get in the zone and crank out the miles.
Same here, I always feel terrible for the first 5 miles or so then I seem to come alive. If I still feel that way after 10-15 miles then I know I probably should just take it easy.It's funny how sometimes you feel really strong and other times it feels like an early season ride.
Me too. Not sure what was going on, but I have to reach 8 or 9 miles before I feel warmed up. Stopping to rest somewhere in the 30 miles makes things worse.
I do not feel at all good until the first 10 is over and I have used a low gear to warm up.Things improved when I started stretching before going out though.
Scott'sTrek1000 said:
I went for a 23 mile ride last night and (halfway through it) felt AWESOME. I guess it was a second wind? My legs felt strong, body felt good. I felt like I could ride all night. This ever happened to you guys/gals? Any clinical definition to it?

The same thing happens to me. I need a warm up period before I really feel into a ride. I wonder if anyone here has tried doing say 10 minutes on a stationary bike just to get their heart rate up to say 50% of max before beginning a ride?
Trekker2017 said:
The same thing happens to me. I need a warm up period before I really feel into a ride. I wonder if anyone here has tried doing say 10 minutes on a stationary bike just to get their heart rate up to say 50% of max before beginning a ride?

In football, we used to get a light lift in and hit the sled before gametime to get us ready to go. In a race, it's obviously easy to get into the groove and I see no need for that. As for training, I see my first 10 miles as the tough ones and just pound them out and put it on cruise control.
I am in training for a State finals race and ride nearly every day, the days after a rest day do take me 10 or 15 miles before I am fully energized for the rest of the ride. I guess my bidy just has to get back in the groove.
I tend to have ups and downs when I'm riding. I'm more vulnerable after 2 hours in the seat and then I sometimes find I'm feeling the pain.
Anyone ever been riding for a time and gone all out to catch up another rider? The effort it takes to catch someone up can really tax energy levels. Now I understand why pro riders are so careful to pace themselves when they try to sprint ahead of the peleton.

Scott'sTrek1000 said:
I went for a 23 mile ride last night and (halfway through it) felt AWESOME. I guess it was a second wind? My legs felt strong, body felt good. I felt like I could ride all night. This ever happened to you guys/gals? Any clinical definition to it?